Versailles project on advanced materials and standards (VAMAS) interlaboratory study on measuring the number concentration of colloidal gold nanoparticles

Caterina Minelli , Magdalena Wywijas , Dorota Bartczak , Susana Cuello-Nuñez
Nanoscale 14 ( 12) 4690 -4704

Potential artifacts and control experiments in toxicity tests of nanoplastic and microplastic particles

Elijah J Petersen , Ana C Barrios , Theodore B Henry , Monique E Johnson
Environmental Science \& Technology 56 ( 22) 15192 -15206

Novel pathway for the sonochemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles with near-spherical shape and high stability in aqueous media

Bryan Calderón-Jiménez , Antonio R Montoro Bustos , Reinaldo Pereira Reyes , Sergio A Paniagua
Scientific reports 12 ( 1) 882

Evaluation of the potential of single particle ICP-MS for the accurate measurement of the number concentration of AuNPs of different sizes and coatings

Antonio R Montoro Bustos , Karen E Murphy , Michael R Winchester
Analytical chemistry 94 ( 7) 3091 -3102

Improved accuracy for calibrated mass distribution measurements of bimetallic nanoparticles

Kaleb J Duelge , George W Mulholland , Antonio R Montoro Bustos , Michael R Zachariah
Journal of Aerosol Science 165 106031 -106031

Nanoscale c7nr05429g

Christopher M Sims , Shannon K Hanna , Daniel A Heller , Christopher P Horoszko

Determination of the transport efficiency in spICP-MS analysis using conventional sample introduction systems: an interlaboratory comparison study

Otmar Geiss , Ivana Bianchi , Guillaume Bucher , Eveline Verleysen
Nanomaterials 12 ( 4) 725 -725

Using Single Particle ICP-MS as a Tool for Understanding Metallic Nanoparticle Transformation during Nanotoxicity Assays

Monique E Johnson , Shannon Hanna , Antonio R Montoro Bustos , Bryant C Nelson
Monique E. Johnson, Shannon Hanna, Antonio R. Montoro Bustos, Bryant C. Nelson, Elijah J. Petersen, Lee L. Yu 3 97 -100

Application of single particle ICP-MS for the determination of inorganic nanoparticles in food additives and food: a short review

Katrin Loeschner , Monique E Johnson , Antonio R Montoro Bustos
Nanomaterials 13 ( 18) 2547 -2547

Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nanoclusters

Laura Trapiella-Alfonso , Mariana Tasso , Gonzalo Ramírez García , Daniel Martín-Yerga
Frontiers in Chemistry 10 898480 -898480

Interactive web-based visualization tool for monitoring optical properties of nanoparticles during synthesis reactions

Bryan Calderón-Jiménez , Gabriel F Sarmanho , Karen E Murphy , Antonio R Montoro Bustos

Characterization of nanoparticles in silicon dioxide food additive

Sadia Afrin Khan , Monique E Johnson , Matthew S Kalan , Antonio R Montoro Bustos
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 41 ( 1) 9 -21

New integrated elemental and molecular strategies as diagnostic tool for the quality of water soluble quantum dots and their bioconjugates

Laura Trapiella Alfonso , Antonio R Montoro Bustos , Jorge Ruiz Encinar , José M Costa-Fernández

Comparison of direct and indirect measures of transport efficiency in single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Karen E Murphy , Antonio R Montoro Bustos , L Yu Lee , Monique E Johnson
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 212 106841 -106841

ICP-MS-Based Characterization and Quantification of Nano-and Microstructures

Antonio R Montoro Bustos
Nanomaterials 14 ( 7) 578 -578

Reply to “Comment on Comparison of direct and indirect measures of transport efficiency in single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry” by H. Goenaga-Infante

Karen E Murphy , Antonio R Montoro Bustos , L Yu Lee , Monique E Johnson
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 106902 -106902

Size-Exclusion and Hydrodynamic Chromatography of Nanoparticles and Quantum Dots

André M Striegel , Michael R Winchester , Leena Pitkänen , Antonio R Montoro Bustos

Assessment of the efficiency of density sucrose gradient centrifugation for the separation of gold nanoparticles by spICP-MS

Michael R. Winchester , Antonio R. Montoro Bustos , Monique E. Johnson
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 408

Redox-active nanomaterials for nanomedicine applications

Christopher M. Sims , Shannon K. Hanna , Daniel A. Heller , Christopher P. Horoszko
Nanoscale 9 ( 40) 15226 -15251