Do’s and Don’ts in Arctic Research? An interactive Workshop on Community-based Research with Early Career Scientists

Robert Way , Elena Kutnezowa , Kristina Brown , Louis-Philippe Roy
EPIC3Arctic Science Summit Week, Prague, Czech Republic, 2017-03-31-2017-04-07

Best Practices in Collaborative Research with Northern Communities: A Synopsis from Early Career Researchers

Josefine Lenz , Louis-Philippe Roy , Kristina Brown , Emily Choy
EPIC35th European Conference on Permafrost, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, 2018-06-23-2018-07-01Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France

What Peer-review Experiences Can Offer To Early Career Scientists And To The Scientific Community

Gwenaëlle Gremion , Mathieu Casado , Kelsey Aho , Jilda Alicia Caccavo
5th International Young Earth Scientists (YES) Congress “Rocking Earth’s Future”

Annex 8.4: Other Media (March 2015)

Terry Bidleman Ahrens , Marlene Evans , Crispin Halsall , Tom Harner
Smpte Journal

Pride in Polar Research

Alexander Thornton , Iqra Choudhry , Emily Choy , Meagan Dewar
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020 SY031 -0006

Subpopulation-Specific Influence of Diet and Other Factors on the Spatial Trends of Chlorinated, Brominated and Fluorinated POPs in Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus)

Robert J Letcher , Melissa A McKinney , John Aars , Erik W Born
National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University 49 -50

Arctic Biodiversity

Sanna Majaneva , Ilka Peeken , Emily Choy , Carmen David
Arctic in Rapid Transition: Priority Sheets

How efficient are Early Career Scientists in peer-review activities?

Mathieu Casado , Gwenaëlle Gremion , Kelsey Aho , Jilda Caccavo
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16812 -16812

Young researchers develop approaches of sustainable practice in Northern communities

Josefine Lenz , Emily Choy , Elena Kuznetzova , Kristina Brown

Working towards diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

Lauren Thompson , Sasha Z Leidman , Emily Choy , Carolynn Harris
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020 SY031 -0017

Inter-annual variation in environmental factors affect the prey and body condition of beluga whales in the eastern Beaufort Sea

ES Choy , B Rosenberg , JD Roth , LL Loseto
Marine Ecology Progress Series 579 213 -225

Semeniuk, CAD and Fisk, AT Latitudinal variation in ecological opportunity and intra-specific competition indicates differences in niche variability and diet specialization of arctic marine predators. Ecology and Evolution. In press.

DJ Yurkowski , SH Ferguson , ES Choy , LL Loseto
Spatial, temporal and within-species variation in the foraging ecology of a marine predator across a dynamic seascape 1001 110 -110

others (2015) Status and trends in the structure of Arctic benthic food webs

M Kedra , C Moritz , ES Choy , C David
Polar Res 34 23775 -23775

Status and trends in the structure of Arctic benthic food webs

M Kedra , C Moritz , ES Choy , C David
Polar Res 34 23775 -23775

A comparison of the trophic ecology of Beaufort Sea Gadidae using fatty acids and stable isotopes

J. D. Brewster , C. Giraldo , E. S. Choy , S. A. MacPhee
Polar Biology 41 ( 1) 149 -162

Biophysical indicators and Indigenous and Local Knowledge reveal climatic and ecological shifts with implications for Arctic Char fisheries

Marianne Falardeau , Elena M Bennett , Brent Else , Aaron Fisk
Global Environmental Change 74 102469

Potential disruption of thyroid hormones by perfluoroalkyl acids in an Arctic seabird during reproduction

Emily S Choy , Kyle H Elliott , Ilse Esparza , Allison Patterson
Environmental Pollution 305 119181