Native-source climate determines the Douglas-fir potential of adaptation to drought

Thibaud Chauvin , Hervé Cochard , Vincent Segura , Philippe Rozenberg
Forest Ecology and Management 444 9 -20

Herbaceous angiosperms are not more vulnerable to drought-induced embolism than angiosperm trees

Frederic Lens , Catherine Picon-Cochard , Chloé EL Delmas , Constant Signarbieux
Plant Physiology 172 ( 2) 661 -667

Insular woody daisies (Argyranthemum, Asteraceae) are more resistant to drought-induced hydraulic failure than their herbaceous relatives.

Larissa C. Dória , Diego S. Podadera , Marcelino Arco , Thibaud Chauvin
Functional Ecology 32 ( 6) 1467 -1478

Climate warming differently affects Larix decidua ring formation at each end of a French Alps elevational gradient

Philippe Rozenberg , Thibaud Chauvin , Margarita Escobar-Sandoval , Frédéric Huard
Annals of Forest Science 77 ( 2) 1 -20

Vulnerability to embolism in herbaceous and secondarily woody species

Frederic Lens , Hervé H Cochard , Catherine Picon-Cochard , Steven Jansen
Xylem International Meeting 86 p. -86 p.

Wood properties, end-product quality and adaptation to climate: antagonism or compromise? The case of wood density and vulnerability to cavitation in Douglas-fir

Philippe Rozenberg , Thibaud Chauvin , Hervé H Cochard , Guillermina Dalla Salda
Strengthening collaboration on innovative wood quality research

Climate warming inversely affects Larch at each end of its altitudinal distribution

Philippe Rozenberg , Thibaud Chauvin , Margarita Concepción Escobar Sandoval , Frédéric Huard
Wood formation and tree adaptation to climate

Potential of adaptation to drought in Douglas-fir: twenty years of research efforts

Philippe Rozenberg , Alejandro Martinez Meier , Anne-Sophie Sergent , Guillermina Dalla Salda
Introduction, Breeding, Propagation and Deployment of Pacific Northwest Conifers Around the World: 70 years of Progress, Opportunities and Challenges

Utilisation de la dendroécologie dans l'étude de la réponse aux sécheresses de plusieurs provenances de douglas dans le Sud de la France

Valentin Bouttier , Philippe Rozenberg , Thibaud Chauvin , Brigitte Musch
Kfé R&D ONF n° 45

The adaptive potential of Douglas-fir to drought: Twenty years of collaborative investigation

Philippe Rozenberg , Alejandro Martinez Meier , Anne-Sophie Sergent , Guillermina Dalla Salda

Prédiction de la teneur en eau des racines par spectroscopie proche infra-rouge

Catherine Picon-Cochard , Magali Nuixe , Pierrick Arnault , Amidou Traoré

Potential of evolutionary adaptation of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco.) to drought: role of resistance to cavitation, xylem microdensity and pit anatomical traits.

Thibaud Chauvin , Philippe Cochard , Hervé , Rozenberg
Adapting forest ecosystems and wood products to biotic and abiotic stress, San Carlos De Bariloche (Argentine)

Intraspecific variation of Douglas fir cavitation resistance is rooted in local adaption.

Thibaud Chauvin , Philippe Cochard , Hervé , Rozenberg
Studium Conference: Wood formation and tree adaptation to climate, Orleans (France)

Dynamics of provenance effect along Douglas-fir vulnerability curves.

Thibaud Chauvin , Hervé Cochard , Philippe Rozenberg
3 rd XYLEM International Meeting, Bordeaux (France)

Is Douglas-fir adaptation to drought rooted on provenance variation for cavitation vulnerability?

Thibaud Chauvin , Hervé Cochard , Rozenberg Philippe
125 th IUFRO Anniversary, Freiburg (Germany)