Comparative study of colon and faeces microbial communities and activities in horses fed a high starch diet

L da Veiga , F Chaucheyras-Durand , V Juilland
Pferdeheilkunde Equine Medicine 21 ( 7) 45 -46

Effect of a moderate dietary fat supplementation on the digestive function in the horse

A.G Goachet , M Varloud , Julliand , Christelle Philippeau

Is there an impact of feeding concentrate before or after forage on colonic pH and redox potential in horses

A. G. Goachet , A. Lindner , C. Faubladier , V. Julliand
Applied equine nutrition and training. Equine NUtrition and TRAining COnference (ENUTRACO) 2009, Madrid, Spain, 26-29 September, 2009. 203 -208

Effect of three different forage-based diets on microbial flora, pH and viscosity of the equine hindgut.

A. Wesker , A. D. Ellis , V. Julliand , S. Muhonen
The impact of nutrition on the health and welfare of horses. 5th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Cirencester, UK, 19-22 September, 2010. 196 -198

Effect of a new alive lactic bacteria as a probiotic on organic matter and cell-walls digestibility in competing endurance horses.

C. Berger , A. G. Goachet , A. D. Ellis , V. Julliand
The impact of nutrition on the health and welfare of horses. 5th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Cirencester, UK, 19-22 September, 2010. 319 -322

Nutrition: how to feed a pregnant mare.

C. Faubladier , V. Julliand
Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire - Équine 116 -120

Feeding practices and digestive transit.

C. Drogoul , B. Medina , V. Julliand
28ème journée de la recherche équine, 27 février 2002 91 -97

Impact of nutrition on the microflora of the gastro-intestinal tract in horses.

A. Lindner , V. Julliand
Applied equine nutrition. 1st Equine NUtrition COnference (ENUCO), Hannover, Germany, 1-2 October, 2005 85 -103

Effects of a live or heat-treated lactic-acid bacteria versus a placebo on faecal microbial communities and activities in horses.

C. Berger , A. D. Ellis , E. Jacotot , M. Coenen
The impact of nutrition on the health and welfare of horses. 5th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Cirencester, UK, 19-22 September, 2010. 288 -292

Evaluating the protein requirements of horses: the German system for digestible crude protein.

V. Julliand , M. Coenen , W. Martin-Rosset
Nutrition of the performance horse: 1st biannual European workshop on equine nutrition, Dijon, France. 17-18 January, 2002. 143 -147

Variable proportions of cereals in the diet: effects on digestive function.

C. Drogoul , E. Jacotot , A. de Fombelle , V. Julliand
26e Journée de la recherche équine, 1 mars 2000. 33 -43

Effect of long-term conditioning period on digesta total tract mean retention time and biochemical faecal profile in endurance horses.

E. van Erck , A. G. Goachet , D. Votion , L. Martin
Applied equine nutrition and training. Equine NUtrition and TRAining COnference (ENUTRACO) 2009, Madrid, Spain, 26-29 September, 2009. 197 -202

Effect of training on the mitochondrial function of endurance horse muscles.

A. Fraipont , D. Votion , D. Serteyn , E. van Erck
35ème Journée de la Recherche Équine, jeudi 26 février 2009, Paris, France 113 -121

Equine microbial gastro-intestinal health.

S. Sadet-Bourgeteau , A. D. Ellis , V. Julliand , M. Coenen
The impact of nutrition on the health and welfare of horses. 5th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition, Cirencester, UK, 19-22 September, 2010. 161 -182

A comparison of energy feeding systems for horses.

V. Julliand , W. Martin-Rosset , D. Cuddeford
Nutrition of the performance horse: 1st biannual European workshop on equine nutrition, Dijon, France. 17-18 January, 2002. 79 -88

Interest in processed foods for the prevention of gastric ulcers in racehorses.

C. Scicluna , V. Julliand , M. Varloud , J. P. Blanquet
Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire - Équine ( 23) 55 -59

Entérotoxémies et morts subites en Bourgogne - incidence sur Ie cheptel bovin charolais en 1999 et en 2000

S. Goncalves , P. Sabatier , V. Julliand , C. Philippeau
8. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants

Feeding levels in endurance horses: practical studies on French riders competing in tests of 130 and 160 km.

A. G. Goachet , V. Julliand , P. Auffret , S. Deschamps
38ème Journée de la recherche équine, Actes de colloque - 1er mars 2012 153 -162