E.S.O. Odior , R.N. Okoh
Proceeding of a National Conference on Nigeria’s Petroleum Resources and the Niger Delta Environment
C.S. Mesike , R.N. Okoh , O.E. Inoni
Agricultural Journal 5 ( 3) 146 -150
C.S. Mesike , O.E.D. Owie , R.N. Okoh
Journal of Human Ecology 28 ( 3) 183 -186
P.O. Emaziye , R.N. Okoh , P.C. Ike
Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5 ( 4) 56 -61
NO Rosemary , PN Okoh , I Michael , IA Ajibefun
Felix Achoja , Rosemary Ngozi Okoh , Comfort Ochuwa Osılama ,
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16 ( 2) 129 -133
Adjekota Owhofasa Paul , Rosemary Ngozi Okoh
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB)(ISSN: 2456-1878): DOI: 10.22161/ijeab.73.13|. www.ijeab.com 7 ( 3) 102 - 107
COA Ugwumba , EC Okoh , RN , Ike. PC
American-Eurasian J. of Agric. and Environ. Sci 8 ( 1) 01 -06
ROSEMARY N Okoh , JO Akintola
Nigerian Journal of Economics and Rural Development 14 ( 2) 21 -54
P.C. Egbon , Rosemary N. Okoh
Godwin A. Sagay , Rosemary N. Okoh , Chinye S. Mesike
Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 49 ( 3) 257 -270
Rosemary N. Okoh
Delta State University, Abraka
RN Okoh , COA Ugwumba , SU Isitor
The Nigerian Journal of Research and Production Volume 15 ( 2)
AU Ofuoku , RN Okoh , PK Saiki
Agriculture-Science and Practice Journal 3 ( 79-80) 129 -140
CS Mesike , RN Okoh , OE Inoni
Report and opinion 2 ( 5) 8 -13
CS Mesike , RN Okoh
21 ( 1/2) 32 -37
CS Mesike , RN Okoh , Inoni OE
CS Mesike , RN Okoh , TU Esekhade
RN Okoh , PN Okoh , M Ijioma , AI Ajibefu
Vulnerability, Adaptive Capacity and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria