Wie verdient de steun van onze welvaartsstaat

Tijs Laenen
Samenleving en Politiek 22 ( 10) 20 -26

De Vlaming over zijn sociale zekerheid: voor wat, hoort wat? Analyse op basis van het postelectoraal verkiezingsonderzoek 2014

Tijs Laenen , Bart Meuleman , Koenraad Abts , Marc Swyngedouw
KU Leuven. Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek

Two decades after Korpi and Palme’s “paradox of redistribution”: What have we learned so far and where do we take it from here?

Tijs Laenen , Dimitri Gugushvili
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 1 -16

Are universal welfare policies really more popular than selective ones? A critical discussion of empirical research

Tijs Laenen , Dimitri Gugushvili
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy

Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front

Bart Meuleman , Femke Roosma , Tijs Laenen , Adeline Otto
KU Leuven. Centre fro Sociological Research; Leuven 3 -7

Public support for the social rights and social obligations of the unemployed: Two sides of the same coin?

Tijs Laenen , Bart Meuleman
International Journal of Social Welfare 28 ( 4) 454 -467

Theoretical framework: deservingness, policy feedback and policy responsiveness

Tijs Laenen
Welfare Deservingness and Welfare Policy 20 -44

Why deservingness theory needs qualitative research. Comparing focus group discussions on social welfare in three welfare regimes

Tijs Laenen , Federica Rossetti , Wim van Oorschot
Welfare Deservingness and Welfare Policy 89 -112

Conclusion: what the book contributes and what it leaves open for future research

Tijs Laenen
Welfare Deservingness and Welfare Policy 170 -184

Introduction: the interaction between welfare deservingness and welfare policy

Tijs Laenen
Welfare Deservingness and Welfare Policy 1 -19

An unconditional basic income? How Dutch citizens justify their opinions about a basic income and work conditionality

Federica Rossetti , Femke Roosma , Tijs Laenen , Koen Abts
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 36 ( 3) 284 -300

The social legitimacy of basic income: a multidimensional and cross-national perspective. An introduction to the special issue

Joe Chrisp , Tijs Laenen , Wim van Oorschot
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 36 ( 3) 217 -222

Change or Continuity in Europeans’ Welfare Attitudes?

Tijs Laenen , Wim van Oorschot
Welfare State Legitimacy in Times of Crisis and Austerity 249 -266

How Popular Deservingness Perceptions Mediate the Link between Unemployment Policies and their Public Support

Tijs Laenen
Welfare State Legitimacy in Times of Crisis and Austerity 139 -158