Mattas Kostadinos , Irene Tzouramani
Economia e Diritto Agroalimentare 10 ( 1) 77 -93
Christos T. Papadas , Angelos Liontakis , Irene Tzouramani
Research Papers in Economics
Irene Tzouramani , Angelos E Liontakis , Alexandra Sintori , George Alexopoulos
Research Papers in Economics
Pavlos Karanikolas , George Alexopoulos , Irene Tzouramani
108th Seminar, February 8-9, 2008, Warsaw, Poland
Konstadinos Mattas , Irene Tzouramani
Research Papers in Economics
Alex Koutsouris , George Alexopoulos , Irene Tzouramani
Building sustainable rural futures: the added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty. 9th European IFSA Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 4-7 July 2010 1083 -1093
Christos Fotopoulos , Irene Tzouramani , Konstandinos Mattas , Kostas Galanopoulos
Research Papers in Economics
Irene Tzouramani , Pavlos Karanikolas , George Alexopoulos , Alexandra Sintori
107th Seminar, January 30-February 1, 2008, Sevilla, Spain
Irene Tzouramani , Alexandra Sintori , Angelos E Liontakis , George Alexopoulos
2008 International Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium
Angelos Liontakis , Irene Tzouramani , Alexandra Sintori
Agriculture 11 ( 4) 349
Beatriz Herrera , Maria Gerster-Bentaya , Irene Tzouramani , Andrea Knierim
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 25 ( 2) 117 -137
George Alexopoulos , Alex Koutsouris , Irene Tzouramani
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 15 ( 2) 177 -190
Angelos Liontakis , Irene Tzouramani
Sustainability 8 ( 4) 338
Dario Pinello , Angelos Liontakis , Alexandra Sintori , Irene Tzouramani
Sustainability 8 ( 7) 681
Irene Tzouramani , Alexandra Sintori , Angelos Liontakis , Pavlos Karanikolas
Livestock Science 141 ( 2) 136 -142
Irene Tzouramani , Stamatis Mantziaris , Pavlos Karanikolas
Sustainability 12 ( 7) 2929
Angelos Liontakis , Irene Tzouramani , Stamatis Mantziaris , Alexandra Sintori
Sustainability 12 ( 13) 5304
Irene Tzouramani , Aggelos Liontakis , Alexandra Sintori , George Alexopoulos
Outlook on Agriculture 42 ( 1) 41 -46
George Alexopoulos , Alex Koutsouris , Irene Tzouramani
International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development 2 ( 3) 1 -18
Irene Tzouramani , George Alexopoulos , Giorgos Kostianis , Leonidas Kazakopoulos
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 29 ( 2) 167 -175