Lauren Warner Berlant , Michael Warner
Michael Warner , George Steinmentz , Craig Calhoun , Geoff Eley
Craig J. Calhoun , Jonathan VanAntwerpen , Michael Warner
Harvard University Press
Michael Warner
Michael Warner
Lauren Berlant , Michael Warner
Sexualidades transgresoras : una antología de estudios queer., 2002, ISBN 84-7426-562-2, págs. 229-262 229 -262
Michael Warner
Routledge 87 -125
Lauren Berlant , Michael Warner , Luciana Salandro
Revista De Educacion ( 18) 21 -30
Lauren Berlant , Michael Warner
Critical Inquiry 24 ( 2) 547 -566
Michael Warner
ELH 67 ( 3) 773 -799
Lauren Berlant , Michael Warner
Pmla-publications of The Modern Language Association of America 110 ( 3) 343 -349
Michael Warner
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 5 ( 2) 119 -171
Michael Warner , Michael Moon
American Literature 63 ( 4) 744
Michael Warner
American Literature 64 ( 1) 19 -47
Michael Warner
boundary 2 17 ( 1) 38
Leslie James , Karin Barber , Lara Putnam , Michael Warner
Itinerario 44 ( 2) 243 -259
Michael Warner
Routledge 361 -371
Lauren Berlant , Michael Warner
Questions de communication ( 33) 111 -133
Michael Warner
Left Legalism/Left Critique 259 -289
Michael Warner
Quarterly Journal of Speech 88 ( 4) 413 -425