Vegh , B Liu , IW Turner , TR Marchant
3rd World Congress on Microwave and Radio Frequency Applications 17 -27
I Porter , TR Marchant
Proceedings of the Second Biennial Australian Engineering Mathematics Conference: 1996; Engineering Mathematics; Research, Education and Industry Linkage 73
TR Marchant
Proceedings of the Second Biennial Australian Engineering Mathematics Conference: 1996; Engineering Mathematics; Research, Education and Industry Linkage 201
TR Marchant
Smpte Journal
JJH Brouwers , CJ Cheng , MJ Cooker , D Crowdy
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 44 ( 451)
SI Barry , TR Marchant , GN Mercer
J. Hewitt, K. White, Mathematics in Industry Study Group, Proceedings
SI Barry , GN Mercer , TR Marchant
School of Mathematics and Statistics, ADFA, UNSW
AI Potapov , AI Vesnitsky , S Hirose , G Caviglia
Wave Motion 19 409 -410
SP Zhu , HW Liu , TR Marchant
Rosa María Vargas-Magaña , TR Marchant , Noel F Smyth
Physics of Fluids 33 ( 6)
B Liu , TR Marchant
Ima Journal of Applied Mathematics 62 ( 2) 137 -166
B Liu , TR Marchant
Ima Journal of Applied Mathematics 67 ( 2) 145 -175
TR Marchant , GA Kriegsmann
Uni. of Wollongong 96
TR Marchant , SP Zhu , YL Zhang
Preprints of papers of the Fifth Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference 15.1 -15.6
D DoRego , P Cooper , E Siores , TR Marchant
FABCON/FABFAIR, Towards a Competitive Edge. Conference Proceedings Welding Technology Institute of Australia
TR Marchant
Wave motion 23 ( 4) 307 -320
TR Marchant
Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 458 857 -857
TR Marchant
IMA J. Appl. Math. 56 157 -157
TR Marchant
IMA J. Appl. Math. 47 247 -247
TR Marchant
J. Fluid Mech. 221 263 -263