Ramjee Prasad , Luis Munoz
Pablo Sotres , Veronica Gutierrez , Juan Ramon Santana , Jose Antonio Galache
wireless personal multimedia communications 1 -6
Sofoklis Kyriazakos , Viktor Öwall , Liljana Gavrilovska , Luc Deneire
Invited talk at the Mobile Venue workshop
Ramon Aguero , Jose Antonio Galache , Luis Munoz
vehicular technology conference 1 -5
Jose A. Galache , Juan R. Santana , Veronica Gutierrez , Luis Sanchez
wireless on demand network systems and service 175 -181
Luis Munoz , David López , Marcos Sánchez , Verónica Gutiérrez
international conference on sensor technologies and applications 203 -209
Veronica Gutierrez , Jose A. Galache , Ramon Aguero , Luis Munoz
international symposium on power line communications and its applications 378 -384
David Gomez , Eduardo Rodriguez , Ramon Aguero , Luis Munoz
international symposium on computers and communications 1 -6
Luis Sanchez , Ignacio Elicegui , Javier Cuesta , Luis Munoz
international conference on communications 3836 -3841
Georgios Mylonas , Evangelos Theodoridis , Luis Munoz
IEEE Internet Computing 19 ( 2) 48 -56
Jose A. Irastorza , Ramon Aguero , Luis Munoz
network operations and management symposium 995 -998
Carmen Lopez , Ramon Aguero , Johnny Choque , Luis Munoz
personal, indoor and mobile radio communications 1049 -1054
Pablo Garrido , David Gomez , Ramon Aguero , Luis Munoz
IEEE Communications Letters 19 ( 6) 1033 -1036
Gurkan Solmaz , Fang-Jing Wu , Flavio Cirillo , Erno Kovacs
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 ( 4) 40 -46
David Gomez , Ramon Aguero , Marta Garcia-Arranz , Luis Munoz
wireless and mobile computing, networking and communications 397 -402
Luis Diez , Johnny Choque , Luis Sanchez , Luis Munoz
IEEE Access 8 228480 -228495
Johnny Choque , Ramon Aguero , Zbigniew Kopertowski , Kim Khoa Nguyen
wireless personal multimedia communications 1 -6
Ramon Aguero , Marta Garcia , Luis Munoz
personal, indoor and mobile radio communications 1 -5
Johnny Choque , Arturo Medela , Juan Echevarria , Luis Diez
the internet of things 1 -6
Juan Ramon Santana , Luis Sanchez , Pablo Sotres , Jorge Lanza
IEEE Access 8 135394 -135405