Ratana Chuenpagdee , Philile Mbatha , Anthony Charles , Edward H. Allison
International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade
Janne Rohe , Philile Mbatha , Sarah Coulthard
International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade
Philile Mbatha
Maritime Studies 19 ( 4) 1 -3
Tanya Brodie Rudolph , Mary Ruckelshaus , Mark Swilling , Edward H. Allison
Nature Communications 11 ( 1) 3600
Derek Armitage , Philile Mbatha , Ella‐Kari Muhl , Wayne Rice
Conservation Science and Practice 2 ( 2)
Mark Swilling , Mary Ruckelshaus , Tanya Brodie Rudolph , Edward H Allison
Mark Swilling , Mary Ruckelshaus , Tanya Brodie Rudolph , Edward H Allison
Springer International Publishing 445 -483
Nasreen Peer , Ella-Kari Muhl , Jamila Janna , Michael Brown
Frontiers in Marine Science 9 884442 -884442
Maria Hauck , Philile Mbatha , Serge Raemaekers
Sharing benefits from the coast: Rights, resources and livelihoods 37 -66
Maria Hauck , Philile Mbatha , Rachel Wynberg
Sharing benefits from the coast: Rights, resources and livelihoods 17 -36
Philile Mbatha
Marine Policy 143 105143 -105143
Philile Mbatha
Cape Town: WWF South Africa
Merle Sowman , Philile Mbatha , Johanna von Holdt
Maritime Studies 22 ( 4) 51 -51
Merle Sowman , Philile Mbatha , Johanna von Holdt
Maritime Studies 22 ( 4) 52 -52
Philile Mbatha , Edson Charikinya , Elaine Govender
Rural-Urban Linkages and Sustainable Development in Africa 152 -152
Maria Hauck , Philile Mbatha , Serge Raemaekers
Sharing benefits from the coast: Rights, resources and livelihoods 37 -37
Maria Hauck , Philile Mbatha , Rachel Wynberg
Sharing benefits from the coast: Rights, resources and livelihoods 17 -17
Rachel Wynberg , Philile Mbatha , Maria Hauck , Mayra Pereira
Sharing benefits from the coast: Rights, resources and livelihoods 167 -167
Philile Mbatha , Lelia Lelia , Elaine Govender-Opitz , Edson Charikinya
M Sowman , J Sunde , T Pereira , B Snow
Marine Policy 133 104713 -104713