Microbial individual-based models and sensitivity analyses: local and global methods

Xavier Portell Canal , Marta Ginovart Gisbert , Clara Prats Soler
7th International Conference on Predictive Modelling of Food Quality and Safety 313 -316

Exploring lag phase and growth initiation of a yeast culture by means of an Individual-based Model

Xavier Portell Canal , Moises Silbert , Marta Ginovart Gisbert , Clara Prats Soler
6th ICPMF - 6th International Conference on Predicitive Modeling in Foods 49 -52

Microbiología predictiva: una herramienta imprescindible en seguridad alimentaria

Jordi Ferrer Savall , Daniel López Codina , Clara Prats Soler
I Reunión Científica Hispano-Marroquí sobre Seguridad Alimentaria 34 -35

The bubble model: mathematically explaining how active TB is possible

Elena Marzo , Cristina Vilaplana , Neus Sans , Clara Prats Soler
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Maxent as an inevitable force in cell differentiation

Clara Prats Soler
1st BCAM Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems - BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 24 -24

Individual-based modelling and simulation: towards a better understanding of growth dynamics from small inocula

Xavier Portell Canal , Roger Dalmau Andreu , Antoni Giró Roca , Marta Ginovart Gisbert
153 -154

Combined use of local and global sensitivity analyses for the investigation of an individual-based model of yeast populations

Xavier Portell Canal , Anna Maria Gras Moreu , Marta Ginovart Gisbert , Clara Prats Soler
173 -173

New model approach for forecasting timing of weed control measures

Daniel López Codina , Clara Prats Soler , Jane Morrisson , Jordi Izquierdo Figarola
Proceedings of the 7th International Weed Science Congress. “Weed Science and Management to Feed the Planet” 62

Evaluación de tres protocolos de extracción proteica para la identificación de micobacterias por espectrometría de masas (MALDI-TOF)

Fernando Alcaide Fernández de Vega , Eduardo Adrián Struzka , Clara Prats Soler , Raúl Fernández Gil

Modeling tuberculosis transmission in urban cities through agent-based simulation: the case of Barcelona

Cristina Vilaplana , Daniel López Codina , Clara Prats Soler , Pere-Joan Cardona
womENcourage 2017: accepted posters 2017 1 -1

Mecanismes que expliquen el manteniment de la TB en l'espècie humana

Clara Prats Soler , Pere Joan Cardona Iglesias
Enfermedades Emergentes 18 ( 1) 49 -51

Analyzing policymaking for TB control in Gombe (Nigeria)

Daniel López Codina , Clara Prats Soler , Cristina Montañola Sales , Mustapha Musa
Enfermedades Emergentes 164 -166

La ciència al servei de la lluita contra la Covid-19

Daniel López Codina , Clara Prats Soler
Comunicación MetroBCN SL ( 155) 12 -12

Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 for EU-EFTA-UK and other countries

Elisa Martró Català , Verònica Saludes Montoro , Antoni Escales Bordoy , Ignasi Blanco Guillermo
Daily report; 233

Resposta a la variant Òmicron: Actualització sobre la recomanació de la durada de l’aïllament de casos COVID-19

Magda Martí , Roger Paredes Deiros , Clara Prats Soler , Dani Prieto-Alhambra