Brent A Olde , Donald R Franceschetti , Ashish Karnavat , Arthur C Graesser
Routledge 708 -713
Brent A Olde , James Hoeffner , Patrick Chipman , Arthur C Graesser
FLAIRS 172 -176
Arthur C Graesser , Hu Xiangen , Brent A Olde , Matthew Ventura
Routledge 37 -37
Brent A Olde , AC Graesser , Tutoring Research Group
North East Regional Conference on Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Oswego, NY
Shulan Lu , Brent A Olde , Elisa Cooper-Pye , Shannon Whitten
José Otero , María Helena Caldeira , Mercè Izquierdo , Mª PILAR JIMÉNEZ ALEIXANDRE
PB Walker , BA Olde , TM Olson
Poster presented at the Proceedings of the Human Systems Integration Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland. Retrieved from https://www. researchgate. net/publication/266910869_Improving_Aviator_Selection_Usi ng_the_Performance-Based_Measurement_Battery_PBMB
Brent Alan Olde
The University of Memphis
Brent Alan Olde
University of Memphis
Arthur C. Graesser , Brent Olde , Victoria Pomeroy , Shulan Lu
Tarbiya, revista de Investigación e Innovación Educativa ( 36) 103 -128
Arthur C. Graesser , Brent Olde , Shulan Lu , Elisa Cooper
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 23 ( 23)
Arthur C. Graesser , Cheryl Bowers , Brent Olde , Katherine White
Poetics 26 ( 3) 143 -175
Arthur C. Graesser , Cheryl Bowers , Brent Olde , Victoria Pomeroy
Journal of Educational Psychology 91 ( 2) 284 -300
Arthur C Graesser , Brent Olde , Victoria Pomeroy , Shannon Whitten
Tarbiya, revista de Investigación e Innovación Educativa ( 36) 103 -128
Arthur C Graesser , Brent Olde , Bianca Klettke
Psychology Press 229 -262
Johanna Marineau , Peter Wiemer-Hastings , Derek Harter , Brent Olde
Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling Human Teaching Tactics and Strategies of ITS 2000 65 -71
Stan Franklin , Art Graesser , Brent Olde , Hongjun Song
AAAI Symposium on Embodied Cognition and Action, Cambridge MA
Arthur C Graesser , Xiangen Hu , Suresh Susarla , Derek Harter
Proc. AIED
Arthur C Graesser , Cheryl Bowers , Brent Olde , Mary Chen
Tötösy and Sywenky 407 -21
Johanna Marineau , Andrew Olney , Max Louwerse , Natalie Person
Workshop W6 on Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue Systems 85 -85