Keir C Gonyea , Christopher L Tanner , Ian G Clark , Laura K Kushner
AIAA Paper 1356
Lin Li , Keir Gonyea , Robert D. Braun
56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference
Keir Gonyea , Robert Braun , Christopher L. Tanner , Ian G. Clark
AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems (ADS) Conference
Keir C. Gonyea , Robert D. Braun , Aaron H. Auslender
Journal of Propulsion and Power 32 ( 3) 574 -582
Keir C. Gonyea , Robert D. Braun , Aaron H. Auslender
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 55 ( 2) 346 -355