J Seeling , P Bengtson
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48 ( 3)
EO Amon , JA Arz , H Bailey , JP Bellier
Björn A MALMGREN , P Bengtson
KR Aalto , D Adelmann , L Aguirre , L Alba-Aldave
Etienne Jaillard , M Caron , A Dhondt , M Ordoñez
Orstom-Petroproduccion eds 164
Peter J Harries , Erle G Kauffman , James S Crampton , P Bengtson
Mitteilungen aus dem geologisch-paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 77 641 -671
E Jaillard , P Bengtson , L Bulot , A Dhont
III Symposium International sur la Géodynamique Andine
Etienne Jaillard , Gérard Laubacher , P Bengtson , A Dhondt
Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica del Peru 88 101 -115
G Berrones , Etienne Jaillard , M Ordoñez , P Bengtson
Proceedings, Second International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, Oxford 283 -286
W Souza-Lima , E de J Andrade , P Bengtson , PC Galm
Aracaju: Fundação Paleontológica Phoenix 1 -34
RA Reyment , P Bengtson , EA Tait
An. Acad. Brasil. Ciêncas 48 253 -264
P Bengtson , EAM Koutsoukos
Géologie Africaine. Elf Aquitaine Mémoire 13 403 -403
P Bengtson , BERTHOU PY
Eduardo AM Koutsoukos , P Bengtson
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 39 ( 6) 445 -445
P Bengtson
Jost Wiedmann Symposium. Geologisch− Paläontologisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Berichte− Reports 76 207 -213
S Walter , P Bengtson
Terra Nostra 98 170 -171
P Bengtson , W Souza Lima , KA Tröger , EAM Koutsoukos
XXXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Anais 7 421 -423
EAM Koutsoukos , P Bengtson
EPISODES 18 ( 3) 125 -127
Ulrich Hambach , Eduardo Koutsoukos , Klaus Krumsiek , Peter Schlicht
Lethaia 18 ( 4) 294 -294