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V. Mani , S. Dhanavandan , S. Mohammed Esmail
Library Philosophy and Practice
V. Mani , S. Dhanavandan , S. Mohammed Esmail
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V Mani , S Moghana Lavanya , K Mahendran
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Gary E Gorman , Mumtaz A Anwar , MP Satija , Sakina Bashir
S Dhanavandan , S Mohammed Esmail , V Mani
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Prarthana Parameshwari Ramnathan , S. Revathy , Vignesh Mani
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Vignesh Mani , Gunasekhar Abhilasha , Suresh Lavanya ,
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 ( 16) 5455 -5462
PV Ashok , S SivaSankari , M Vignesh , S Suresh
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