Groundwater evolution in Central Gangetic aquifer system and interaction with river Ganges in Varanasi, India

Arindam Basu , Probal Sengupta , Abhijit Mukherjee , Joy Sen
EGUGA 2228

Stable isotope dynamics of groundwater interactions with Ganges river

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Syed Aaquib Hussain , Md. Shahid Jamal
Hydrological Processes 35 ( 1)

Impact of global-scale hydroclimatic patterns on surface water-groundwater interactions in the climatically vulnerable Ganges river delta of the Sundarbans

Kousik Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Pragnaditya Malakar , Prerona Das
Science of The Total Environment 149198 -149198

Arsenic enriched groundwater discharge to a tropical ocean: Understanding controls and processes

Poulomee Coomar , Kousik Das , Palash Debnath , Swati Verma
Environmental Pollution 120838 -120838

Ganges Groundwater Interaction at Varanasi

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Atrayee Haldar , Ashok Shaw
Springer, Cham 57 -66

Stable isotope dynamics of interaction of groundwater with the Ganges river

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Syed Aaquib Hussain , Shahid Jamal
Hydrological Processes

Observing tidal and storm generated wave height impact on groundwater levels in a tropical delta (the Sundarbans)

Kousik Das , Soumyajit Sarkar , Abhijit Mukherjee , Prerona Das
Journal of Hydrology 603 126813 -126813

River-Groundwater Interactions and Recharge Delineation in Middle Reaches of the River Ganges

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Atrayee Haldar , Ghazi Sultan
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019 H13N -1914

Temporally And Spatially Varying River Ganges Water-groundwater Interaction Through Hydrograph Separation And Stable Isotope Fingerprints

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Kousik Das , Aaquib Hussain
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018 H32E -06

Delineating river water-groundwater interaction in a populated South Asian urban aquifer system of a transboundary river

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Ashok Shaw , Mrinal K Layek
ISARM 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Transboundary Aquifers

Delineation of Groundwater Recharge in Central Gangetic Aquifer System: Varanasi, India

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Ghazi Sultan , Ashok Shaw
International Geological Congress

Understanding sedimentary provenance and sub-surface lithostratigraphy of Central Gangetic Basin

Oindrila Bose , Shaw Shaw , Ashok , Martin Smith
International Geological Congress

Arsenic Sorption in aquifers of Brahmaputra River Basin, India

Sreedipta Chattopadhyay , Sonali Senapati , Srimanti Dutta Gupta , Swati Verma
Groundwater Management in Mining and Social Sectors

Ganges water and groundwater interaction in Varanasi leading to groundwater pollution. Emerging scenarios of Ganga, River development and water resource management

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Md Shahid Jamal , Pradeep Verma
Emerging Scenarios of Ganga, River Development & Water Resource Management

Subsurface fluvial Depositional environment characterization using sedimentological and geophysical logs: A study from ancient city of Varanasi, Central Gangetic Basin, India.

Ashok Shaw , Oliver J.W Wakefield , Mrinal K Layek , Prerona Das
The Geological Society of America annual meeting 183 ( 9)

. Study of river and groundwater contamination for availability of potable water in a proposed smart city of Varanasi

Prerona Das , Abhijit Mukherjee , Md Shahid Jamal , Pradeep Verma
Role of groundwater in smart cities and villages. IAH-AIH