Influence of feeding live yeast on microbial protein synthesis and nutrient digestibility in steers fed a steam-flaked corn-based diet

MA López-Soto , YS Valdés-García , A Plascencia , A Barreras
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-animal Science 63 ( 1) 39 -46

The influence of shade allocation or total shade plus overhead fan on growth performance, efficiency of dietary energy utilization, and carcass characteristics of feedlot cattle under tropical ambient conditions.

Beatriz I. Castro-Pérez , Alfredo Estrada-Angulo , Francisco G. Ríos-Rincón , Víctor H. Núñez-Benítez
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 33 ( 6) 1034 -1041

Impact of dietary inclusion of clinoptilolite as substitute of soybean meal on growth performance, dietary energetics and carcass traits of feedlot ewes fed a corn-based diet

Alfredo Estrada-Angulo , Jesús D. Urías-Estrada , Beatriz I. Castro-Pérez , Germán Contreras-Pérez
Austral journal of veterinary sciences 49 ( 2) 123 -128

Site and extent of digestion of nitrogen compounds and organic matter in steers fed a finishing diet with dried distillers grains plus solubles supplemented with urea

Jesús D. Urías-Estrada , Jorge L. Ramos-Méndez , Víctor M. González-Vizcarra , Alberto Barreras
Austral Journal of Veterinary Sciences; Vol 51 No 1 (2019); 11-16 51 ( 1) 11 -16

Effect of oil supplementation extracted from nontoxic purging nut (Jatropha curcas L) on carcass traits, tissue composition, muscle CLA concentration, and visceral mass of feedlot lambs

Alfredo Estrada-Angulo , José A. Félix-Bernal , Miguel A. Angulo-Escalante , Dolores Muy-Rangel
Austral journal of veterinary sciences 49 ( 1) 1 -7

Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematode infections in goat flocks on semi-arid rangelands of northeastern Mexico.

Raquel Olivas-Salazar , Alfredo Estrada-Angulo , Miguel Mellado , Armando Jacinto Aguilar-Caballero
Tropical Animal Health and Production 50 ( 4) 807 -813

Influencia del espacio vital en corral sobre las variables productivas, calidad de la canal y carne en novillos Holstein

Ana Mireya Romo-Valdez , Cristina Pérez-Linares , Francisco Gerardo Ríos-Rincón , Fernando Figueroa-Saavedra
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias 15 ( 2) 393 -403

Influence of feedlot living space on production variables, carcass and meat quality traits in Holstein steers.

Ana Mireya Romo-Valdez , Cristina Pérez-Linares , Francisco Gerardo Ríos-Rincón , Fernando Figueroa-Saavedra
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias 15 ( 2)

Environmental effect and pen design on agonist behaviour of beef cattle in feedlot.

Ana Citlaly Zazueta-Gutiérrez , Francisco Gerardo Ríos-Rincón , Beatriz Isabel Castro-Pérez , Alfredo Estrada-Angulo
25 ( 1) 20220033249 -20220033249

Partial replacement of broom sorghum panicle residue and tallow with whole cottonseed in growing-finishing diets for lambs

Jesús David Urías-Estrada , Alfredo Estrada-Angulo , Beatriz Isabel Castro-Pérez , Alejandro Plascencia
Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society 73 ( 2) 4153 -4158

Effects of Supplemental Calcium Propionate and Concentrate Level: Growth Performance, Body Fat Reserves, and Health of High-Risk Beef Calves

Alejandro Rivera-Villegas , Octavio Carrillo-Muro , Daniel Rodríguez-Cordero , Pedro Hernández-Briano
Veterinary Sciences 11 ( 8) 336 -336

Protein level and β2-adrenergic agonist supplementation on growth performance and dietary energy of hairy lambs

Alfredo Estrada-Angulo , Beatriz Isabel Castro-Pérez , Jorge Luis Ramos-Méndez , Yesica Arteaga-Wences
Large Animal Review 30 ( 3) 131 -135

Effects of spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) as feed additive of steers consuming high energy diets: growth performance and nutrient digestion

Alejandro Plascencia , Iván Guadalupe Martínez-Alvarez , Martín Montano , Alfredo Estrada-Angulo
Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society 73 ( 2) 4015 -4022

Effect of particle size of zeolite clay included in high-energy diets for feedlot lambs: Growth performance, dietary energy, carcass traits, and visceral mass

Beatriz I Castro-Pérez , Jonathan Rodríguez-Vázquez , Alfredo Estrada-Angulo , Francisco G Ríos-Rincón
Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research 10 ( 3) 500 -500