Abigail Fagan , Katherine Irwin , Delbert Elliott , Sharon Mihalic
Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse, Publication Reprint/Feedback, P.O. Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000. Tel: 800-638-8736 (Toll Free); Fax: 301-519-5600; e-mail: tellncjrs@ncjrs.org. Web site: http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org/.
Delbert Elliott
Alcohol, drugs and driving 3 ( 1) 31 -43
Abigail Fagan , Katherine Irwin , Delbert Elliott , Sharon Mihalic
United States. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Beverly Kingston , Sabrina Arredondo Mattson , Allison Dymnicki , Elizabeth Spier
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 21 ( 4) 433 -449
Delbert Elliott
Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets
Delbert Elliott
Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets
Delbert Elliott
Journal of Children's Services 4 ( 4) 53 -62
Sharon Wofford Mihalic , Delbert Elliott
Journal of Family Violence 12 ( 3) 293 -311
Sharon Wofford Mihalic , Delbert Elliott
Domestic Violence 303 -329
Delbert Elliott
ICPSR Data Holdings
Kenneth Adams , Jeffrey Adler , Suzanne Ageton , Robert Agnew
William Bukoski , Richard Clayton , J MarkEddy , Delbert Elliott
Peter Bentler , Anthony Biglan , Jeanne Brooks-Gunn , C Hendricks Brown
Delbert Elliott , Abigail A Fagan
John Wiley & Sons
Abigail A Fagan , Delbert Elliott
John Wiley & Sons
Delbert Elliott , Katherine Irwin , Diane Ballard , Sharon Mihalic
US Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice Bulletin
Sharon Mihalic , Abigail Fagan , Katherine Irwin , Diane Ballard
Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Delbert Elliott
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
Obi Ebbi , Willie Edwards , Amanda Elliott , Delbert Elliott
African American Criminological Thought: Authority, Autonomy, and Passion in Tocqueville's Democracy in America 185 -185
Delbert Elliott , Aubrey Wendling , Harlan Voss
California Mental Health Research Digest