Jennifer Kelly ,
Jennifer Kelly ,
Australian Nursing Journal 19 ( 3) 29
Jennifer Kelly ,
Brock University
Lynne Hayes , Jennifer Manyweathers , Yiheyis Maru , Barton Loechel
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 190 105326 -105326
Pamela L Owens , Jennifer Kelly ,
Nurse Educator 23 ( 5) 20 -34
Michelle Hunter , Jennifer Kelly , Norma Stanley , Amy Stilley
Contemporary Nurse 49 ( 1) 75 -82
Jennifer Manyweathers , Marta Hernández-Jover , Lynne Hayes , Barton Loechel
Journal of Science Communication 19 ( 3) 1 -8
Antonia Alcaraz , Jennifer Kelly ,
British journal of nursing 11 ( 13) 859 -866
Jennifer Kelly ,
British Journal of Nursing 3 ( 21) 1129 -1134
Jennifer Kelly ,
British journal of nursing 2 ( 2) 123 -125
Jennifer Kelly , Fei Yang , Lisa Dowling , Canan Nurgel
Fermentation 4 ( 3) 77
Jennifer Kelly , Kathy Ahern
Journal of Clinical Nursing 18 ( 6) 910 -918
Jennifer Kelly ,
Womens Studies International Forum 31 ( 4) 300 -307
Amy B. Mullens , Jennifer Kelly , Joseph Debattista , Tania M. Phillips
International Journal for Equity in Health 17 ( 1) 62
Jennifer Kelly , Margaret Mcallister
Contemporary Nurse 44 ( 2) 170 -177
Lauren Stradwick , Debbie Inglis , Jennifer Kelly , Gary Pickering
Flavour 6 ( 1) 1 -8
Bridget Roache , Jennifer Kelly , Jillian Brammer
Women and Birth 28
Jacqueline Chaplin , Jennifer Kelly , Sue Kildea ,
Women and Birth 29 ( 2) 144 -152
Michelle O’Connor , Jyai Allen , Jennifer Kelly , Yu Gao
Women and Birth 31 ( 4) 319 -324