Aske Mottelson , Clara Vandeweerdt , Michael Atchapero , Tiffany Luong
Vaccine 39 ( 46) 6746 -6753
Adéla Plechatá , Clara Vandeweerdt , Michael Atchapero , Tiffany Luong
Computers in human behavior 139 107533
Michele Coscia , Clara Vandeweerdt
Scientific Reports 12 ( 1) 15265
Clara Vandeweerdt , Tiffany Luong , Michael Atchapero , Aske Mottelson
Scientific Reports 12 ( 1) 4593 -4593
Clara Vandeweerdt , Bart Kerremans , Avery S. Cohn
Environmental Politics 25 ( 1) 1 -21
Parrish Bergquist , Clara Vandeweerdt , Peter Matto Mildenberger
Nasir Almasri , Blair Read , Clara Vandeweerdt
PS: Political Science & Politics 55 ( 2) 347 -353
Clara Vandeweerdt
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 32 ( 3) 739 -749
Clara Vandeweerdt
Politics, Groups, and Identities 10 ( 5) 828 -836
Clara Vandeweerdt
Public Opinion Quarterly 87 ( 1) 120 -141