Hugo van der Merwe , Audrey R. Chapman , Victoria Baxter
United States Institute of Peace Press
Barbara Smith-Moran , Audrey R. Chapman , Rodney Lawrence Petersen
Washington D.C. Island Press 2000.
Audrey R. Chapman
Georgetown University Press
Audrey R. Chapman
Sheed & Ward
Huridocs , Audrey R. Chapman , Sage Russell
Published in <b>2002</b> in Antwerp New York by Intersentia
Audrey R. Chapman
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 13 ( 1) 51 -69
Audrey R. Chapman
Audrey R. Chapman
Routledge 283 -298
Audrey R. Chapman
Forgiveness and reconciliation 247 -267
Gorik Ooms , Audrey R. Chapman , Donna Barry , Jennifer Prah Ruger
Social Science Research Network
Hugo van der Merwe , Audrey R. Chapman
University of Pennsylvania Press
Audrey R. Chapman
AJOB Neuroscience 6 ( 1) 65 -66
Audrey R. Chapman
Ajob Neuroscience 10 ( 3) 113 -115
Kerry Bystrom , Audrey R. Chapman , Emma Gilligan , Richard P. Hiskes
Human Rights Quarterly 32 ( 4) 1018 -1032
Audrey R. Chapman , Benjamin Carbonetti
Human Rights Quarterly 33 ( 3) 682 -732
Ted Schrecker , Audrey R. Chapman , Ronald Labonte , Roberto De Vogli
Social Science & Medicine 73 ( 5) 629 -631
Ted Schrecker , Audrey R. Chapman , Ronald Labonté , Roberto De Vogli
Social Science & Medicine 71 ( 8) 1520 -1526
Audrey R. Chapman , Jessica M. Wyndham
Science 341 ( 6148) 841.2 -842
Lisa Forman , Luljeta Caraoshi , Audrey R. Chapman , Everaldo Lamprea
The International Journal of Human Rights 20 ( 4) 531 -548
Peter Benn , Audrey R. Chapman , Kristine Erickson , Mark S. DeFrancesco
Prenatal Diagnosis 34 ( 2) 145 -152