Urs Von Gunten , Michael C. Dodd , Heinz P. Singer , Hans-Peter E. Kohler
Environmental Science & Technology 44 ( 22)
Andreas Züttel , Arndt Remhof , Yigang Yan , Daniel Rentsch
Chemical Communications
Roland Hany , Frank Nüesch , Daniele Padula , Sergii Yakunin
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 22 ( 1) 194 -204
Radovan Černý , Laurent Bigler , Corsin Battaglia , Arndt Remhof
Advanced Functional Materials 2010046
Ruben-Simon Kühnel , Corsin Battaglia , Daniel Rentsch , David Reber
Angewandte Chemie
Matthias M. Koebel , Wim J. Malfait , Shanyu Zhao , Daniel Rentsch
Polymers 13 ( 10) 1583
Wenbo Ju , Fuze Jiang , Huan Ma , Zhengyuan Pan
Advanced Energy Materials 9 ( 32) 1901514
Matthias Nagel , Roland Hany , Thomas Lippert , Martin Molberg
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 208 ( 3) 277 -286
Andreas Grubelnik , Luzia Wiesli , Patrick Furrer , Daniel Rentsch
Journal of Separation Science 31 ( 10) 1739 -1744
Diana S. Aga , Siegrun Heberle , Daniel Rentsch , Roland Hany
Environmental Science & Technology 33 ( 19) 3462 -3468
Yujun Liao , Panayotis Dimopoulos Eggenschwiler , Daniel Rentsch , Francesco Curto
Applied Energy 205 964 -975
Philip DeShong , Eric D. Soli , Greg A. Slough , D.Richard Sidler
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 593 49 -62
Xiu Liu , Khalifah A. Salmeia , Daniel Rentsch , Jianwei Hao
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 124 219 -229
Daniel Rentsch , Lilan Nill , Wolfgang von Philipsborn , D. Richard Sidler
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 36
Simone Pokrant , Daniel Rentsch , Oliver Kröcher , Anastasios Kambolis
Chemcatchem 7 ( 20) 3261 -3265
Daniel Rentsch , Christian Stähelin , Markus Obkircher , Roland Hany
ACS Combinatorial Science 14 ( 11) 613 -620
Merle K. Richter , Andreas Focks , Barbara Siegfried , Daniel Rentsch
Environmental Pollution 172 208 -215
SeyedHosein Payandeh , Ryo Asakura , Petroula Avramidou , Daniel Rentsch
Chemistry of Materials 32 ( 3) 1101 -1110
Ellina Bernard , Barbara Lothenbach , Daniel Rentsch
Materials & Design 198 109391
Zhenguo Shi , Andreas Leemann , Daniel Rentsch , Barbara Lothenbach
Materials & Design 190 108562