Squeezed by a Habitat Split: Warm Ocean Conditions and Old‐forest Loss Interact to Reduce Long‐term Occupancy of a Threatened Seabird

Matthew G. Betts , Joseph M. Northrup , Jennifer A. Bailey Guerrero , Lindsay J. Adrean
Conservation Letters 13 ( 5)

Predation of the endangered Ae'o (Hawaiian Stilt) by a native raptor, the Pueo (Hawaiian Short‐eared Owl) on the island of O'ahu, Hawai'i, USA

Marie‐Sophie Garcia‐Heras , Jessica L Idle , Olivia Wang , Kristen C Harmon
Ecology and Evolution 14 ( 1) e10844 -e10844

Black Harriers and Wind Energy

RE Simmons , S Ralston-Paton , R Colyn , MS Garcia-Heras

Insights in the movement ecology of Pueo, or Hawaiian Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus sandwichensis).

Wade Naguwa & Melissa R. Price Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras , Olivia Wang , Chad J. Wilhite
Hawaiian Conservation Conference

Movement ecology of Pueo (Hawaiian Short-eared Owl; Asio flammeus sandwichensis), on the island of O‘ahu

Kaleiheana-a-Pōhaku Stormcrow & Melissa R. Price Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras , Chad J. Wilhite , Olivia Wang
Hawaiian Conservation Conference

Variation in breeding parameters in the Black Harrier (Circus maurus)

François Mougeot , Beatriz Arroyo , Robert E. Simmons , Marie-Sophie García-Heras

Pollutants and diet influence carotenoid levels and integument coloration in nestlings of an endangered raptor.

Marie-Sophie García-Heras , Beatriz Arroyo , Robert E. Simmons , Pablo R. Camarero
Science of The Total Environment 603 299 -307

Who Are We Feeding? Asymmetric Individual Use of Surplus Food Resources in an Insular Population of the Endangered Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus

Marie-Sophie García-Heras , Ainara Cortés-Avizanda , José-Antonio Donázar
PLoS ONE 8 ( 11) e80523

Blood concentrations of PCBs and DDTs in an avian predator endemic to southern Africa: Associations with habitat, electrical transformers and diet.

Pablo R. Camarero , Francois Mougeot , Rafael Mateo , Beatriz Arroyo
Environmental Pollution 232 440 -449

Migratory patterns and settlement areas revealed by remote sensing in an endangered intra-African migrant, the Black Harrier (Circus maurus).

Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras , Beatriz Arroyo , François Mougeot , Keith Bildstein
PLOS ONE 14 ( 1)

Is the Black Harrier Circus maurus a specialist predator? Assessing the diet of a threatened raptor species endemic to southern Africa

Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras , François Mougeot , Beatriz Arroyo , Graham Avery
Ostrich 88 ( 1) 1 -8

Does timing of breeding matter less where the grass is greener? Seasonal declines in breeding performance differ between regions in an endangered endemic raptor

Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras , Beatriz Arroyo , François Mougeot , Arjun Amar
Nature and Conservation 15 23 -45

Regional and temporal variation in diet and provisioning rates suggest weather limits prey availability for an endangered raptor

Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras , François Mougeot , Robert E. Simmons , Beatriz Arroyo
Ibis 159 ( 3) 567 -579

Marine habitat use and movement in response to ocean warming by a threatened forest-nesting seabird

Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras , Christopher Wolf , Jennifer A Bailey Guerrero , Lindsay J Adrean
Global Ecology and Conservation e02857 -e02857