M. Havitz , A. Mowen
Parks & Recreation (Ashburn) 37 ( 9) 82 -90
D. Getz , J. Carlsen , G. Brown , M. Havitz
Tourism management: analysis, behaviour and strategy 245 -268
M. E. Havitz , F. Dimanche , D. R. Howard
Journal of Applied Recreation Research 17 ( 4) 331 -364
C. Mo , M. E. Havitz
Abstracts of the Proceedings of the 1991 NRPA Leisure Research Symposium held during the 1991 National Congress for Recreation and Parks, October 17-20, 1991, Baltimore, Maryland. 60
M. E. Havitz , J. L. Crompton
Parks & Recreation, USA 22 ( 2) 56 -75
L. L. Caldwell , M. P. Pritchard , M. E. Havitz , C. C. Riddick
Abstracts from the proceedings of the 1992 NRPA Leisure Research Symposium held in conjunction with the 1992 National Congress for Recreation and Parks, October 15-18, 1992, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. T. Kaczynski , M. G. Parr , M. E. Havitz
Introduction to recreation and leisure 353 -375
T. R. Green , M. E. Havitz , R. E. McCarville
Journal of Applied Recreation Research 18 ( 3) 181 -195
P. Johnson-Tew , R. McCorville , M. E. Havitz
Parks & Recreation Canada 57 ( 2) 12 -13
P. Johnson-Tew , M. E. Havitz , R. E. McCarville
Parks & Recreation Canada 57 ( 2) 10 -21
M. E. Havitz , J. S. Sherman
Journal of park and recreation administration 9 ( 3) 29 -40
J. M. DeLorenzo , M. E. Havitz , G. D. Twynam
Journal of park and recreation administration 9 ( 1) 43 -54
M. E. Havitz
Journal of park and recreation administration 9 ( 4) 1 -17
B.J.A. Smale , F. Dimanche , M. E. Havitz
Leisure challenges: bringing people, resources, and policy into play. Proceedings of the Sixth Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, May 9-12, 1990, University of Waterloo. 259 -278
M. E. Havitz , C. Spigner
Parks & Recreation (Arlington) 28 ( 11) 51 -57
M. E. Havitz , D. R. Howard
General Technical Report - Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service 169 -192
M. E. Havitz , D. J. McLean , K. D. Adkins
Journal of park and recreation administration 20 ( 2) 90 -110
M. P. Pritchard , M. E. Havitz , D. R. Howard
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 27 ( 3) 333 -348
Mark E. Havitz , Frederic Dimanche , Ted Bogle
Journal of park and recreation administration 12 ( 3) 38 -56
Mark E. Havitz , Mark P. Pritchard
Annals of tourism research en español 8 ( 1) 24 -49