Chapter 8 - Autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders: Molecular connections and potential therapeutic targets

Dinh-ToiChu Md Jamal Uddin , Dang KhoaTran , Md Abdul Hannan , Hasan-Al-Faruque
Elsevier 3 169 -183

The relationship between the main trunks, ramus of the facial nerve and the anatomic landmark of the face

Phan Trần Thanh Thảo Trần Đăng Khoa
Vietnam Medical Journal 478 ( 1) 33 -37

Research on perforators of the deep inferior epigastric artery of vietnamese corpse

Trần Đăng Khoa Cao Ngọc Bích , Lê Gia Vinh , Phạm Đăng Diệu
Vietnam Medical Journal 496 40 -50

Research on the deep inferior epigastric artery of vietnamese corpse

Trần Đăng Khoa Cao Ngọc Bích , Phạm Đăng Diệu , Lê Gia Vinh
Tạp chí Y học TP.Hồ Chí Minh 20 ( 2) 276 -279

Anatomy of the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery and application on reconstruction

Trần Đăng Khoa Dương Mạnh Chiến
Vietnam Medical Journal 449 20 -25

Distribution of the perforators of lateral circumflex femoral artery in lateral anterior thigh

Trần Đăng Khoa và cộng sự Trần Thiết Sơn
Journal of Medical Research 77 ( 6) 84 -89

An anatomical study of the lateral circumflex femoral artery in the vietnamese population

Trần Thiết Sơn Trần Đăng Khoa
Journal of Medical Research 67 ( 2) 13 -18

Perforator Mapping of the Superficial and Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery in the Abdominal Region of the Vietnamese.

Tran Dang Khoa , Nguyen Duy Bac , Cao Ngoc Bich , Hoang Long Vo
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 ( 24) 4209 -4213

Anatomical Characteristics of Facial Nerve Trunk in Vietnamese Adult Cadavers.

Tran Dang Khoa , Nguyen Duy Bac , Hoang Van Luong , Tran Ngoc Anh
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 ( 24) 4230 -4238

Research on Macroanatomic and Histologic Characteristics of the Lower Lateral Nasal Cartilages in Vietnamese.

Tran Dang Khoa , Ho Nguyen Anh Tuan , Nguyen Duy Bac , Nguyen Thanh Van
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 ( 24) 4224 -4229

The Correlation between the Structures of the Nasal Tip on the Ultrasound and the Anthropometry of the Nose in Vietnamese.

Tran Dang Khoa , Nguyen Thanh Van , Ho Nguyen Anh Tuan , Nguyen Duy Bac
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 ( 24) 4214 -4219

facial anthropometric, landmark extraction, and nasal reconstruction technology

Nguyen Hoang Vu , Nguyen Minh Trieu , Ho Nguyen Anh Tuan , Tran Dang Khoa
Applied Sciences 12 ( 19) 9548 -9548

Factors affecting investor satisfaction in the southeast economic zone of Nghe An province

Le Vu Sao Mai , Dalasouk Kopsack , Nguyen Thi Tieng , Hoang Thi Huyen Trang
Asian Economic and Financial Review 13 ( 4) 251 -268

Etudier le tourisme à l'ile de Con Dao

Truong Thi Phuong Thao , Tran Dang Khoa

Identifying and locating superior gluteal artery perforator on Vietnamese adults–A study for clinical applications

Tran Dang Khoa , Tran Thiet Son , Phan Tran Le Nguyen Dien Minh , Thanh Thao

The relationship between the nasal root and the landmarks on the orbit in vietnamese

Trần Đăng Khoa
Vietnam Medical Journal 479 ( 1) 38 -42

Surgical anatomy of the septal perforators of the lateral circumflex femoral artery

Trần Đăng Khoa
Vietnam Medical Journal 473 ( 1,2) 24 -27

The anatomical relations of the sphenoid sinus with the internal carotid canal in cadaver and MSCT images

Trần Ngọc Anh Lê Quang Tuyền , Hồ Nguyễn Anh Tuấn , Trần Đăng Khoa , Phạm Đăng Diệu
Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam 424 66 -70