Quantifying effects of increased hydroperiod on wetland nutrient concentrations during early phases of freshwater restoration of the Florida Everglades

Shishir K. Sarker , John S. Kominoski , Evelyn E. Gaiser , Leonard J. Scinto
Restoration Ecology 28 ( 6) 1561 -1573

Utilization of Tryptophan-like Fluorescence as a Proxy for E. coli Contamination in a Mixed-Land-Use Karst Basin

Ryan T Dapkus , Alan E Fryar , Benjamin W Tobin , Diana M Byrne
Hydrology 10 ( 4) 74 -74

Hydrological Functioning and Water Availability in a Himalayan Karst Basin under Climate Change

Shishir K Sarker , Junfeng Zhu , Alan E Fryar , Ghulam Jeelani
Sustainability 15 ( 11) 8666 -8666

Quantifying changes in freshwater availability and chemistry during early stages of Everglades restoration

Shishir K Sarker , John Kominoski
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11--16)

Chittagong Hill Tracts Ecological Forecasting

Nabin Paudel , Kel Markert , Shishir Sarker , Rukumani Rimal

Biogeochemical data collected from Northeast Shark River Slough (FCE LTER), Everglades National Park from September 2006 to November 2018

Shishir Sarker , Evelyn Gaiser , John Kominoski , Leonard Scinto
Environmental Data Initiative

Variability in E. Coli and Tryptophan-like Fluorescence in Two Karst Basins, Inner Bluegrass Region, Kentucky

Ryan Dapkus , Alan Fryar , Diana Byrne , Shishir Sarker
Joint 56th Annual North-Central/ 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting - 2022 54 ( 4)

Susceptibility of a Mountainous Karst Spring to Climate and Land use/Landcover Change, Liddar Basin, Kashmir, India

Shishir Sarker , Alan Fryar
GSA Connects 2021 in Portland, Oregon 53 ( 6) 235 -12

Spatial and temporal distribution of total Phosphorus concentration in surface water in the Everglades Protection Area (EPA), FL, USA

Shishir Sarker , René Price , Leonard Scinto , Assefa Melesse
FCE LTER All Scientist Meeting 2018

Chittagong Hill Tracts Ecological Forecasting

Rukumani Rimal , Shishir Sarker , Labiba Farhana , Pornampai Narenpitak
Summer Intern 2013, NASA DEVELOP National Program