Grégoire Malandain , Céline Fouard
Francis Cassot , Malte Westerhoff , Steffen Prohaska , Grégoire Malandain
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA 2004)
Céline Fouard , Jonathan Schers , Jocelyne Troccaz
Computer Assisted Ortthopaedic Surgery - 10th Annual Meeting of CAOS-International 143 -145
Olivier Palombi , Céline Fouard , Jonathan Schers , Christopher Plaskos
23rd International Congress on Computer-Assisted Raiology and Surgery 4 100 -101
Peter Kolesik , Ann McNeill , Steffen Prohaska , Céline Fouard
4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models 27
Francis Cassot , Malte Westerhoff , Grégoire Malandain , Jean-Pierre Marc-Vergnes
Proc. of RFIA'04
Nikolai Hungr , Ederson Antônio Gomes Dorileô , Philippe Poignet , Céline Fouard
computer assisted radiology and surgery
Brahim Tamadazte , Sandrine Voros , Christophe Boschet , Philippe Cinquin
Workshop on Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions 117 -131
Céline Fouard , Robin Strand , Gunilla Borgefors
Pattern Recognition 40 ( 9) 2453 -2474
Céline Fouard , Grégoire Malandain
discrete geometry for computer imagery 214 -223
Céline Fouard , Magnus Gedda
discrete geometry for computer imagery 259 -270
Robin Strand , Benedek Nagy , Céline Fouard , Gunilla Borgefors
discrete geometry for computer imagery 295 -307
Céline Fouard , Grégoire Malandain
Image and Vision Computing 23 ( 2) 143 -158
Julien Ghelfi , Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry , Nikolai Hungr , Céline Fouard
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology 41 ( 9) 1428 -1435
Céline Fouard , Grégoire Malandain
Grégoire Malandain , Céline Fouard
INRIA 36 -36
Céline Fouard , Grégoire Malandain
Rapports de recherche- INRIA
Erwan Lecesne , Antoine Simon , Mireille Garreau , Gilles Barone-Rochette
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 242 107841 -107841
Erwan Lecesne , Antoine Simon , Mireille Garreau , Gilles Barone-Rochette
2023 Twelfth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA) 1 -5
Nikolai Hungr , Céline Fouard , Adeline Robert , Ivan Bricault
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2011: 14th International Conference, Toronto, Canada, September 18-22, 2011, Proceedings, Part I 14 137 -144