D. Lindenmayer , N. Enright , J. Russell-Smith , D. Keith
Keith, D., Lindenmayer, D., Lowe, A., Russell-Smith, J., Enright, N. <https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Enright, Neal.html>ORCID: 0000-0003-2979-4505 <http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2979-4505>, Fox, B., Guerin, G., Paton, M., Tozer, M. and Yates, C. (2012) Long-term studies: detecting and understanding trends in biodiversity. In: Ecological Society of Australia, Annual Conference, 3 - 7 December, Melbourne, Australia.
BJ Fox , MD Fox , GM Mckay
Australian Journal of Botany 27 ( 2) 157 -165
BJ Fox
Wildlife Research 6 ( 3) 297 -303
BJ Fox , E Archer
Wildlife Research 11 ( 2) 235 -248
DG Read , BJ Fox
Wildlife Research 18 ( 4) 469 -477
Jia Luo , BJ Fox
Wildlife Research 23 ( 3) 267 -288
J Luo , BJ Fox
Wildlife Research 21 ( 4) 419 -431
BJ Fox , DG Read , E Jefferys , J Luo
Wildlife Research 21 ( 5) 491 -505
J Luo , BJ Fox , E Jefferys
Wildlife Research 21 ( 4) 401 -417
BJ Fox , P Higgs , J Luo
Wildlife Research 20 ( 5) 599 -605
BJ Fox , CM Kemper
Australian Journal of Zoology 30 ( 2) 175 -185
BJ Fox , JD Murray
Australian Journal of Zoology 27 ( 5) 691 -698
BJ Fox
Australian Journal of Zoology 27 ( 6) 945 -957
JAMES S Findley , DW Morris , Z Abramsky , BJ Fox
Patterns in the structure of mammalian communities. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, TX 253 -263
NJ Enright , JM Facelli , MV Fey , M Fitzgerald
Austral Ecology 30 951 -951
BJ Fox
Carnivorous marsupials 1 187 -197
BJ Fox , D Whitford
Carnivorous marsupials 1 39 -48
BJ Fox , DA Briscoe
Australian Mammalogy 3 ( 2) 109 -126
BJ Fox
USDA Forest Service general technical report PSW United States, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
DG Read , BJ Fox , D Whitford
Australian Mammalogy 6 ( 2) 89 -92