Nathalie Brender
Hélène Pasquini-Descombs , Nathalie Brender , David Maradan
IDRC Davos 2014 : extended abstracts, oral presentations, special panels, sessions and workshops, Davos, 24-28 August 2014 112 -115
Nathalie Brender , Claude Gilbert
Editions Quæ 37 -62
Nathalie Brender , Sara Wieland , Enrica Ferrini Tinguely
L'Expert-comptable suisse, 2010, no 10, p. 676-679
Claudine Burton-Jeangros , Mathilde Bourrier , Nathalie Brender
Managing the global health response to epidemics : social science perspectives
Florent Ledentu , Nathalie Brender , Haute école d'ingénierie et de gestion du canton de Vaud , Centre patronal (Lausanne)
Paudex : Centre Patronal ; Genève : Fédération des entreprises romandes, 2012. 52 p.
Nathalie Brender , Marion Gauthier
ISACA Journal
Nathalie Brender , Iliya Markov
International Journal of Information Management 33 ( 5) 726 -733
Hélène Pasquini-Descomps , Nathalie Brender , David Maradan
Value in Health 20 ( 6) 819 -827
Nathalie Brender , Bledi Yzeiraj , Florian Dupuy , Collins G. Ntim
Cogent Business & Management 4 ( 1) 1384636 -1384636
Nathalie Brender , Bledi Yzeiraj , Emmanuel Fragniere
Managerial Auditing Journal 30 785 -811
Nathalie Brender
Smpte Journal
Nathalie Brender , Bledi Yzeiraj , Emmanuel Fragnière
Nathalie Brender , Claudine Burton Jeangros ,
Routledge ( BOOK)
Claudine Burton-Jeangros , Mathilde Bourrier , Nathalie Brender
Routledge 276 -284
Mathilde Bourrier , Nathalie Brender , Claudine Burton-Jeangros
Managing the global health response to epidemics: social science perspectives
Nathalie Brender , Marion Gauthier , Jean-Henry Morin , Arbër Salihi
Marion Pauline Gauthier , Nathalie Brender
Managerial auditing journal 36 ( 3) 365 -385
Nathalie Brender , Claude Gilbert
Emergence of infectious diseases: risks and issues for societies
Nathalie Brender , Marion Gauthier , Jean-Henry Morin , Arber Salihi
Journal of applied accounting research 25 ( 1) 149 -170