Redouane Ouhaddou , Abdelilah Meddich , Chayma Ikan , Rachid Lahlali
Plants 12 ( 21) 3703 -3703
Chayma Ikan , Raja Ben-Laouane , Redouane Ouhaddou , Cherki Ghoulam
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 157 ( 4) 907 -919
Redouane Ouhaddou , Raja Ben-Laouane , Rachid Lahlali , Mohamed Anli
Microorganisms 10 ( 8) 1625 -1625
Chayma Ikan , Fatima-Ezzahra Soussani , Redouane Ouhaddou , Lahoucine Ech-Chatir
Agronomy 14 ( 6) 1316 -1316
Chayma Ikan , Raja Ben-Laouane , Redouane Ouhaddou , Mohamed Anli
South African Journal of Botany 158 417 -428
Redouane Ouhaddou , Lahoucine Ech-chatir , Chayma Ikan , Fatima E Soussani
Frontiers in Microbiology 15 1432637 -1432637
R Ouhaddou , R Ben-Laouane , R Lahlali , M Anli