Lokalisierung von Mikroerdbeben am Gakkel Ruecken, Arktischer Ozean

Vera Schlindwein , Christina Müller , Wilfried Jokat
EPIC3Annual Meeting of the German Geophysical Society, 21-25 Feb 2005, Graz, Austria.

Seismicity along the ultraslow spreading Knipovich Ridge near the Logachev Seamount

Vera Schlindwein , Andrea Bergner , Wilfried Jokat , Wolfram Geissler

Variations in antarctic icequake activity assessed by automatic classificationtechniques

Matthias Ohrnberger , Vera Schlindwein , Conny Hammer
EPIC3IUGG Joint Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2013-07-22-2013-07-26

Seismoacoustic evidence for volcanic activity at eastern Gakkel Ridge in 2001

Vera Schlindwein , Christina Müller , Wilfried Jokat
EPIC3geophysical research abstracts, 7, 01745, European Geosciences Union, 24-29 Apr, Vienna, Austria.

The 1999 earthquake swarm at Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean: A Spatiotemporal Analysis

Vera Schlindwein , Edith Korger
EPIC3STATSEI7 - 7th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology.

Aktiver submariner Vulkanismus am Gakkel Ruecken, Arktischer Ozean

Vera Schlindwein , Christina Müller , Wilfried Jokat
EPIC366. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Bremen.-9. Maerz 2006., 6

The 1999 earthquake swarm at Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean Relocalization and Analysis

Vera Schlindwein , Edith Korger , Carsten Riedel
EPIC370. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft.

The expedition of the research vessel "Polarstern" to the Antarctic in 2013 (ANT-XXIX/8) / Ed. by Vera Schlindwein with contributions of the participants

Vera Schlindwein
EPIC3Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on polar and marine research, Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, 672, 111 p., ISSN: 1866-3192

Along-axis variations of the seismicity of ultraslow spreading ridges

Vera Schlindwein , Andrea Demuth
EPIC3IUGG Joint Assembly , Gothenburg, Sweden, 2013-07-22-2013-07-26

Relocation of the 1999 seismic swarm along the ultra-slow Gakkel Ridge

Vera Schlindwein , Carsten Riedel
EPIC3Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-00000, 2008 p.

Earthquakes and icequakes recorded on drifting ice floes as seismometer platforms

Vera Schlindwein , Christine Läderach
EPIC3IUGG Joint Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2013-07-22-2013-07-26

Weekly reports for R.V. Polarstern expedition ANT-XXIX/8 (2013-11-09 - 2013-12-16, Cape Town - Cape Town), German and English version

Vera Schlindwein ,
EPIC3Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar- and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

Processing report from Weather Station on board of RV Polarstern cruise ANT-XXIX/8

Juliane Hempelt , Vera Schlindwein , Robert Hausen
EPIC3Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute

Deep submarine Strombolian eruptions at eastern Gakkel ridge, Arctic Ocean

Vera Schlindwein , Carsten Riedel
EPIC369th annual meeting of the German Geophysical Society, Kiel, Germany.

Preliminary results from the seismic array setup above Lena Trough during Polarstern cruise ARK XXIII/2

Vera Schlindwein , Christine Läderach , Edith Korger , Carsten Riedel
EPIC369th annual meeting of the German Geophysical Society, Kiel, Germany.

Curiosities and challenges of seismology on ice floes

Vera Schlindwein , Christine Läderach
EPIC3European Seismological Commission 32nd General Assembly.

Observation of unusually deep seismicity below an amagmaticultraslow spreading Mid Ocean Ridge segment

Vera Schlindwein , Florian Schmid
EPIC3Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Hannover, 2015-03-23-2015-03-26

Teleseismic location of earthquakes along the Arctic mid-ocean ridge system

Vera Schlindwein , Edith Korger
EPIC3European Seismological Commission 32nd General Assembly.

Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Iles Eparses (Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean)

Guilhem Barruol , Vera Schlindwein , Celine Davy , Fabrice Fontane
EPIC3AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2014-12-14-2014-12-19 2014

Magnetic susceptibilities of rocks in Gletscherland, Nathorst Land, and Charcot Land, East Greenland

Vera Schlindwein
EPIC3Rpp Danmarks og Gronlands geologiske Undersogelse, 28, pp. 135-145