Nicholas Tito , Scott Milner , Jeffrey DeFelice , Jane Lipson
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Scott Milner
APS 2003
Jian Qin , Scott Milner
APS 2011
Scott Milner , Francois Chambon
APS March Meeting Abstracts
Daniel Kozuch , Wenlin Zhang , Scott Milner
Polymers 8 ( 6) 241
Zifeng Li , Kristen Fichthorn , Scott Milner , Fang Yuan
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013 U34. 002 -U34. 002
Puja Agarwala , Scott Milner , Enrique Gomez
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021 L04. 001 -L04. 001
Shreya Shetty , Puja Agarwala , Enrique Gomez , Scott Milner
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021 X04. 007 -X04. 007
Jian Qin , Scott Milner , Pavlos Stephanou , Vlasis Mavrantzas
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2012 A49. 005 -A49. 005
Everett Zofchak , Aubrey Quigley , Jordyn Yoh , Kevin Reimund
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Vishal Jindal , Michael Janik , Scott Milner
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Christine Mahajan , Enrique Gomez , Scott Milner
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Scott Milner
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 68
Ritwick Kali , Scott Milner
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023 D04. 005 -D04. 005
Vishal Jindal , Michael Janik , Scott Milner
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023 T05. 001 -T05. 001
Puja Agarwala , Enrique Gomez , Scott Milner
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023 G05. 007 -G05. 007
Scott Milner
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022 K17. 004 -K17. 004
Ritwick Kali , Scott Milner
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022 K18. 002 -K18. 002
Vishal Jindal , Michael Janik , Scott Milner
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022 N16. 007 -N16. 007