G. Briffoteaux , R. Ragonnet , M. Mezmaz , N. Melab
Future Generation Computer Systems 113 454 -467
G Briffoteaux , N Melab , M Mezmaz , D Tuyttens
Applied Soft Computing 151 111134 -111134
Mohand Mezmaz , Nouredine Melab , Daniel Tuyttens , Romain Ragonnet
International Conference on Optimization and Learning (OLA2020)
Guillaume Briffoteaux , Nouredine Melab , Mohand Mezmaz , Daniel Tuyttens
2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS) 802 -809
Guillaume Briffoteaux , Maxime Gobert , Romain Ragonnet , Jan Gmys
Swarm and evolutionary computation 57 100717
Romain Ragonnet , Guillaume Briffoteaux , Bridget M. Williams , Julian Savulescu
Romain Ragonnet , Guillaume Briffoteaux , Bridget M Williams , Julian Savulescu
Guillaume Briffoteaux , Romain Ragonnet , Pierre Tomenko , Mohand Mezmaz
Springer International Publishing 201 -212
Guillaume Briffoteaux , Romain Ragonnet , Mohand Mezmaz , Nouredine Melab
High Performance Computing and Simulation 2020
Guillaume Briffoteaux , Nouredine Melab , Mohand Mezmaz , Daniel Tuyttens
Springer International Publishing 127 -141
Nithyaraaj Kugalur Palanisamy , Edouard Rivière Lorphèvre , Maxime Gobert , Guillaume Briffoteaux
Metals 12 ( 6) 976 -976
Francois Ducobu , Nithyaraaj Kugalur-Palanisamy , Guillaume Briffoteaux , Maxime Gobert
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 146 ( 6)
Guillaume Briffoteaux
Université de Lille; Université de Mons
Maxime Gobert , Guillaume Briffoteaux , Jan Gmys , Nouredine Melab
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 137 109075 -109075
Guillaume Briffoteaux
Guillaume Briffoteaux
University of Lille, France