Jennifer Mays , Julie A. King
28th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity
Jennifer Mays
Social Change in the 21st Century Conference Proceedings 2005
Jennifer Mays
Creating a Culture of Full Employment incorporating the 7th Path to Full Employment Conference and 12th National Conference on Unemployment Proceedings 243
Debbie Duthie , Julie King , Jennifer Mays ,
The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives 12 ( 1) 197 -212
Gregory Marston , Jennifer Mays , Danielle Davidson , Jeffrey Johnson-Abdelmalik
Queensland University of Technology and The Salvation Army
Jennifer Mays
Australian Journal of Social Issues 50 ( 3) 253 -276
Jennifer Mays
Lived experiences of women in academia: Metaphors, manifestos and memoir 87 -97
Jennifer Mays
Basic income in Australia and New Zealand: Perspectives from the neoliberal frontier [Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee] 207 -251
Jennifer Mays , Greg Marston , John Tomlinson
Basic income in Australia and New Zealand: Perspectives from the neoliberal frontier [Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee] 1 -25
Elise Klein , Tim Dunlop , Jennifer Mays
Implementing a basic income in Australia: Pathways forward (Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee) 259 -262
Jennifer Mays
Implementing a Basic Income in Australia: Pathways Forward 45 -68
Abdullah Ghaleb Alshareef , Darren Wraith , Kaeleen Dingle , Jennifer Mays
Journal of Nursing Management 28 ( 5) 1030 -1040
Danielle Davidson , Greg Marston , Jennifer Mays , Jeffery Johnson-Abdelmalik
Australian Social Work 71 ( 1) 58 -70
Jennifer Mays , Karen Fisher , P Saunders
Revisiting Henderson: Poverty, social security and basic income 237 -256
Jennifer Mays , Karen R Fisher
Routledge 166 -180
Jennifer Mays , Greg Marston , John Tomlinson
Christine Morley , Lisa Hodge , Joanne Clarke , Heather McIntyre
Social Work Education 43 ( 4) 1039 -1057
Elise Klein , Jennifer Mays , Tim Dunlop
Palgrave Macmillan 277 -277
Elise Klein , Jennifer Mays , Tim Dunlop
Implementing a basic income in Australia: Pathways forward 1 -20