Yong Hwan Kim
International Conference on Fluid Machinery 167 -170
H.R. Lee , Y.J. Park , Y.H. Kim
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 30 ( 4) 61 -73
Yong-Hwan Kim
Journal of ship and ocean technology 7 ( 2) 1 -19
Sang-Hyun Kwack , Yong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of ship and ocean technology 11 ( 1) 1 -10
Yang-Jun An , Gyeong-Hwan Kim , Sang-Yeop Kim , Yong-Hwan Kim
Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea 49 ( 1) 7 -12
Yoo-Il Kim , Bo-Woo Nam , Yong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of ship and ocean technology 11 ( 4) 29 -54
Yong-Hwan Kim
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 37 ( 2) 1 -13
Bo-Woo Nam , Sa-Young Hong , Yong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology 24 ( 6) 16 -22
Myung-Il Roh , Min-Jae Oh , Yong-Hwan Kim , Jae-Hoon Lee
Processes 9 ( 5) 898
Yoo-Il Kim , Bo-Woo Nam , Yong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 44 ( 4) 398 -407
Kyong-Hwan Kim , Yong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 45 ( 1) 63 -72
Kyung-Kyu Yang , Yong-Hwan Kim
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 47 ( 1) 1 -10
Yoo-Il Kim , Yong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 47 ( 3) 306 -320
Kyong-Hwan Kim , Yong-Hwan Kim
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 47 ( 3) 398 -409
Yoo-Il Kim , Kyong-Hwan Kim , Yong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 46 ( 3) 232 -248
Kyong-Hwan Kim , Je-Sung Bang , Yong-Hwan Kim , Seung-Jo Kim
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 49 ( 4) 312 -326
Min-Guk Seo , Yong-Hwan Kim , Kyong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 48 ( 6) 516 -527
Dong-Min Park , Tae-Young Kim , Yong-Hwan Kim ,
Journal of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 49 ( 1) 60 -67
Tae-Young Kim , Yong-Hwan Kim
International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 2 ( 3) 176 -184
Sa-Young Hong , Young-Shik Kim , Jo-Hyun Kyoung , Seok-Won Hong
International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 2 ( 3) 151 -159