Jaime Cuevas Rodríguez , Stephane Gaboreau , Enrique Rodríguez Cañas
Macla: revista de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía ( 23) 18
Francis Claret , Philippe Leroy , Egon Zimmermann , Andreas Hordt
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 18446
Stephane Gaboreau , Enrique Rodríguez-Cañas , Urs Maeder , Andreas Jenni
Applied Geochemistry 118 104624
Tapio Vehmas , Vanessa Montoya , Maria Cruz Alonso , Radek Vašíček
Applied Geochemistry 121 104703
Aliaksei Pazdniakou , Anne-Julie Tinet , Fabrice Golfier , Kassem Kalo
Advances in Water Resources 121 44 -56
Stephane Gaboreau , Sylvain Grangeon , Francis Claret , Dris Ihiawakrim
Langmuir 36 ( 32) 9449 -9464
Zhanar Zhakiyeva , Gabriel J Cuello , Henry E Fischer , Daniel T Bowron
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 ( 30) 12820 -12835
Tapio Vehmas , Vanessa Montoya , Maria Cruz Alonso , Radek Vašíček
Urs Mäder , Andreas Jenni , Cathérine Lerouge , Stephane Gaboreau
Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, 20 Years: Two Decades of Research and Experimentation on Claystones for Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste 309 -329
Wenming Dong , Ayumi Koishi , Christophe Tournassat , Carl I Steefel
Goldschmidt 2023 Conference
Romain Rodrigues , Stéphane Gaboreau , Julien Gance , Ioannis Ignatiadis
EUROCORR 2023-The Annual Congress of the European Federation of Corrosion
Roy Chaaya , Stephane Gaboreau , F Milet , Nicolas Maubec
Applied Clay Science 245 107124 -107124
Quoc Tri Phung , Stephane Gaboreau , Norbert Maes , Francis Claret
Proceedings of the Second Workshop of the HORIZON 2020 CEBAMA Project (KIT Scientific Reports; 7752) 7752 75 -75
Quoc Tri Phung , Stephane Gaboreau , Francis Claret , Norbert Maes
4th International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures (SLD4)
Stephane Gaboreau , Quoc Tri Phung , Francis Claret , Norbert Maes
Deliverable nD4. 13 Draft of the 3rd Annual Project Workshop Proceeding 49 -49
Philippe Blanc , Fabrizio Gherardi , Philippe Vieillard , Nicolas Marty
Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July
J Pelegrí , M Laviña , Fabien Bernachy-Barbe , Christine Imbert
Applied Clay Science 245 107157 -107157
Francis Claret , Yannick Linard , Stephane Gaboreau , Xavier Bourbon
Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement
Yendoubé Charles SANO MOYEME , Stéphanie Betelu , Johan Bertrand , Stephane Gaboreau
Yendoube Charles SANO MOYEME , Stéphanie Betelu , Johan Bertrand , Stephane Gaboreau
EUROCORR 2023-The Annual Congress of the European Federation of Corrosion