J. Cabrera , G. Bruno , L. De Windt , Y. Moreau-Le Golvan
IAHS-AISH publication 57 -61
A. Genty , L.V. Benet , F. Plas , C. Le Potier
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 23
A. Genty , E. Mouche , C. Grenier , E. Tevissen
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 24
Valerie Pot-Genty , Patricia Garnier , A. Genty , Laure Vieublé
Journées Scientifiques du GFHN
A. Genty , J. Cabrera , C. Mugler
EGSGA 4699
J. Kalin , B. Petkovšek , Ph. Montarnal , A. Genty
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241 ( 4) 1225 -1232
A. Constantin , A. Genty , D. Diaconu , C. Bucur
Kerntechnik 78 ( 5) 422 -430
V. Pot , S. Peth , O. Monga , L.E. Vogel
Advances in Water Resources 84 87 -102
V. Pot , A. Genty
Advances in Water Resources 30 ( 2) 273 -283
A. Genty , K. Wieczorek , F. Richard , C. Le Potier
Developments in water science 47 81 -88
A. Genty , V. Pot
Computational Methods in Water Resources: Volume 1 55 37 -48
A. Genty , S. Bassot , G. Bruno , J. Cabrera
CRC Press 437 -443
Alain GENTY , Roy HAGGERTY , Andreas JAKOB , Martin LÖFGREN
Radionuclide Retention in Geologic Media 45 -45
Olivier Monga , Malte Ogurreck , Patricia Garnier , Alain Genty
11. Journées d'Etude des Sols
Alina Constantin , Alain Genty , Daniela Diaconu , Crina Bucur
Nuclear Engineering and Design 265 986 -996
Alain Genty , Christophe Le Potier , Stéphane Gounand
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 29 ( 4) 537 -554
Claude Mügler , Alain Genty , Justo Cabrera
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 22 ( 4) 525 -543
Alain Genty , Christophe Le Potier
Transport in Porous Media 88 ( 1) 65 -85
Alain Genty , Valérie Pot
Transport in Porous Media 96 ( 2) 271 -294
Alain Genty , Valérie Pot
Transport in Porous Media 105 ( 2) 391 -410