Zero-point phase transitions in the one-dimensional truncated bosonic Hubbard model and its spin-1 analog

Vladimir A. Kashurnikov , Andrei V. Krasavin , Boris V. Svistunov
Physical Review B 58 ( 4) 1826 -1831

Estimation of electron-phonon coupling constant in Ba1-xKxBiO3

Alexander E Lukyanov , Vyacheslav D Neverov , Andrey V Krasavin , Alexey P Menushenkov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1686 012049

Strength of the hubbard potential and its modification by breathing distortion in babio 3

Alexander E Lukyanov , Ivan A Kovalev , Vyacheslav D Neverov , Yaroslav V Zhumagulov
Physical Review B 105 ( 4) 045131

Nonlinear spectroscopy of excitonic states in transition metal dichalcogenides

Yaroslav V Zhumagulov , Vyacheslav D Neverov , Alexander E Lukyanov , Dmitry R Gulevich
Physical Review B 105 ( 11) 115436

Erratum: Nonlinear spectroscopy of excitonic states in transition metal dichalcogenides [Phys. Rev. B 105, 115436 (2022)]

Yaroslav V Zhumagulov , Vyacheslav D Neverov , Alexander E Lukyanov , Dmitry R Gulevich
Physical Review B 105 ( 23) 239902 -239902

Polaronic signatures in pristine phosphorene

Vyacheslav D Neverov , Alexander E Lukyanov , Yaroslav V Zhumagulov , Andrey V Krasavin
Physical Review Materials 5 ( 5) 054008 -054008

Correlated disorder as a way towards robust superconductivity

Vyacheslav D Neverov , Alexander E Lukyanov , Andrey V Krasavin , Alexei Vagov
Communications Physics 5 ( 1) 177 -177

The Impact of Short-Range (Gaussian) Disorder Correlations on Superconducting Characteristics

Vyacheslav D Neverov , Alexander E Lukyanov , Andrey V Krasavin , Alexei Vagov
Condensed Matter 9 ( 1) 6 -6

Exploring disorder correlations in superconducting systems: spectroscopic insights and matrix element effects

Vyacheslav D Neverov , Alexander E Lukyanov , Andrey V Krasavin , Alexei Vagov
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 15 ( 1) 199 -206

Fully Microscopic Treatment of Magnetic Field Using Bogoliubov–De Gennes Approach

Vyacheslav D Neverov , Alexander Kalashnikov , Alexander E Lukyanov , Andrey V Krasavin
Condensed Matter 9 ( 1) 8 -8

Microscopic description of intermediate mixed state in superconductors between the first and second types

Vyacheslav D Neverov , Alexander E Lukyanov , Andrey V Krasavin , Arkady A Shanenko
Physical Review B 110 ( 5) 054502 -054502

Strength of the Hubbard potential and its modification by breathing distortion in $\text {BaBiO} _ {3} $

Alexander E Lukyanov , Ivan A Kovalev , Vyacheslav D Neverov , Yaroslav V Zhumagulov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.00084

Cluster perturbation theory for calculation of electronic properties of ensembles of metal nanoclusters

Yaroslav V Zhumagulov , Andrey V Krasavin , Vladimir A Kashurnikov
Physica B: Condensed Matter 536 272 -274

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics

Vladimir A Kashurnikov , Andrey V Krasavin , Yaroslav V Zhumagulov
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 10 ( 3) 334 -338

Расчет плотности состояний сверхпроводников на основе железа

Vladimir A Kashurnikov , Andrey V Krasavin , Yaroslav V Zhumagulov
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика 10 ( 2)

Calculation of density of states of transition metals: from bulk sample to nanocluster

Petr V Borisyuk , Oleg S Vasiliev , Yaroslav V Zhumagulov , Vladimir A Kashurnikov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03288

Antiferromagnetic and spectral properties of two-orbital model of iron-based HTSC

Vyacheslav Neverov , Alexander Lukyanov , Yaroslav Zhumagulov , Andrey Krasavin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1189 ( 1) 012020

Variational cluster approximation and exact diagonalization for calculation of Hubbard models

Alexander Lukyanov , Vyacheslav Neverov , Yaroslav Zhumagulov , Andrey Krasavin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1189 ( 1) 012018

Symmetry of superconducting order parameter in minimal model of iron-based HTSC: variational cluster approximation

Yaroslav Zhumagulov , Alexander Lukyanov , Vyacheslav Neverov , Andrey Krasavin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1189 ( 1) 012019

Quantum Monte-Carlo simulation of FeAs-based superconductors

Vladimir Kashurnikov , Andrey Krasavin
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 05 1441010