Can plant population biology solve the mysteries of Arctic tundra ecology

Ingibjörg S. Jónsdottir
Swedish Polar Research Secretariat

Multiscale mapping of plant functional groups and plant traits in the High Arctic using field spectroscopy, UAV imagery and Sentinel-2A data

Kari Klanderud , Brian J Enquist , Vigdis Vandvik , Marc Macias-Fauria
Environmental Research Letters 16 ( 5) 055006

Terrestrial trophic dynamics in the Canadian Arctic

Charles J Krebs , Kjell Danell , Anders Angerbjörn , Jep Agrell
Canadian Journal of Zoology 81 ( 5) 827 -843

Conquering the world: Population Biology of Grasses edited by G.P. Cheplick

Ingibjörg S Jónsdóttir
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14 ( 4) 165

Evolutionary history of grazing and resources determine herbivore exclusion effects on plant diversity

Jodi N Price , Judith Sitters , Timothy Ohlert , Pedro M Tognetti
Nature Ecology \& Evolution 6 ( 9) 1290 -1298

Linking changes in species composition and biomass in a globally distributed grassland experiment

Emma Ladouceur , Shane A Blowes , Jonathan M Chase , Adam T Clark
Ecology letters 25 ( 12) 2699 -2712

Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass‐loss rate and stabilization

Judith M Sarneel , Mariet M Hefting , Taru Sandén , Johan van den Hoogen
Ecology letters 27 ( 5) e14415 -e14415

Circum‐Arctic distribution of chemical anti‐herbivore compounds suggests biome‐wide trade‐off in defence strategies in Arctic shrubs

Elin Lindén , Mariska Te Beest , Ilka N Abreu , Thomas Moritz
Ecography 2022 ( 11) e06166 -e06166

Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels

Climate Change , Terry V Callaghan , Lars Olof Björn , F Stuart Chapin III
Environmental history 7 1 -1

Species responses to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation in the Arctic

Terry V Callaghan , Lars Olof Björn , F Stuart Chapin III , Yuri Chernov