Polarization Potential Has No Effect on Maximum Current Density Produced by Halotolerant Bioanodes

Muriel González-Muñoz , Xochitl Dominguez-Benetton , Jorge Domínguez-Maldonado , David Valdés-Lozano
Energies 11 ( 3) 529

Characterization of five fresh water microalgae with potential for biodiesel production

Ruby Valdez-Ojeda , Muriel González-Muñoz , Roberto Us-Vázquez , José Narváez-Zapata
Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts 7 33 -44

Hydrogen sulfide production with a microbial consortium isolated from marine sediments offshore

Roberto Briones-Gallardo , Muriel González-Muñoz , Itza García-Bautista , David Valdés-Lozano
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 ( 3) 436

Influence of two polarization potentials on a bioanode microbial community isolated from a hypersaline coastal lagoon of the Yucatan peninsula, in México.

Raul Tapia-Tussell , Raul E. Valle-Gough , Isaías Peraza-Baeza , Jorge Domínguez-Maldonado
Science of The Total Environment 681 258 -266

Fertirrigación de sogro dulce (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench.) en laboratorio y ensayos en vivero con vinazas tratadas de etanol hidratado de un reactor UASB

JO Mijangos-Cortes , ME Gonzalez-Munoz , EI Espana-Gamboa , JA Domínguez-Maldonado
Revista mexicana de ingeniería química 13 ( 3) 713 -722

Comparative analysis of microbial diversity in batch reactor with direct interspecies electron transfer system using an effective and inexpensive method mgDNA extraction

L Alzate-Gaviria , D Valero , E España-Gamboa , M González-Muñoz
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química 20 ( 3) Bio2401 -Bio2401