Narrative and Quantitative Analysis of Human Pressure, Land-use and Climate Aridity in a Transforming Industrial Basin in Greece

L. Salvati , A. Mavrakis
International Journal of Environmental Research 8 ( 1) 115 -122

Air Temperature And Selected Air PollutantVariation During The Partial Solar Eclipse Of11 August 1999, Over The Greater Attica Area,Greece

A. Mavrakis , S. Lykoudis , G. Theoharatos
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 74

Koumoundourou lake as an environmental education issue.

A. Fergadis , C. Chronopoulou , G. Tsounis , V. Iliadis

Introduction: (Zero net) land degradation - the main challenge

A. Mavrakis , I. Zambon , A. Colantoni , L. Salvati
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 1 -22

Heavy precipitation episodes and cosmic rays variation

A. Mavrakis , S. Lykoudis
Advances in Geosciences 7 157 -161

Evaluating thermal comfort conditions and health responses during an extremely hot summer in Athens

K. Pantavou , G. Theoharatos , A. Mavrakis , M. Santamouris
Building and Environment 46 ( 2) 339 -344

A deep stratospheric intrusion event down to the earth’s surface of the megacity of Athens

D. Akritidis , P. Zanis , I. Pytharoulis , A. Mavrakis
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 109 ( 1-2) 9 -18

Climatic Classification of an Industrial Area of Eastern Mediterranean (Thriassio Plain: Greece)

A. Mavrakis
Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics 599 -604

An application of Systems Science in the context of Greek Environmental Education for planning interventions against volcanic hazards

A. Mavrakis , A. Tsigkou , C. Papavasileiou , G. Sigalos
International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences 5 ( 3) 41 -76

A Study on Applications of Systems Engineering to Holistic Didactics

E.C. Papakitsos , P.S. Makrygiannis , A. Mavrakis
Book Publisher International 9 36–52 -36–52

Air Mass Trajectories regarding Hydro Meteorological Disasters in Greece Registered in the EM-DAT Database

E. Papakitsos , D.E. Alexakis , A. Mavrakis
16th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP) 2023 26 ( 95) 1 -6

Assessing saltwater front parameters of the aquifer of the Thriassion Plain, Greece

A. Christides , A. Mavrakis , G. Sigalos , V. Loukaidi
11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (11th ICEST) Vol. B, 171 – 178 -Vol. B, 171 – 178

Spatial and temporal evolution of drought episodes in Greece with the use of the SPI meteorological drought index

K. Katsiabani , A. Mavrakis
12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (12th ICEST), Volume: B, 501 - 508 Vol. B, 501 -508

The relationship between cosmic rays variation and solar activity on OX (NO2+O3) levels in Attica – Greece

A. Mavrakis
10th Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (10th COMECAP) Vol. 3, 1150 – 1158 -Vol. 3, 1150 – 1158

On the relationship between climatic indices, solar activity and air quality in an industrialized area of Eastern Mediterranean (Thriassion Plain – Greece)

A. Mavrakis , G. Theoharatos , K. Jakovides , S. Lykoudis
EMS8/ECAC7 Abstracts of 8th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society / 7th ECAC EMS2008 -EMS2008

The evolution of a strong atmospheric disturbance over the Aegean Sea and the associated meteorological parameters, described by satellite data and GIS

A. Mavrakis , S. Dasaklis , G. Theoharatos , A. Tasopoulos
10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (10th ICEST) Vol. B, 469–476 -Vol. B, 469–476

The effects of solar activity on the precipitation and drought/flood condition in Greece

G. Theoharatos , A. Mavrakis , M. Spiliotopoulos , H. Michalopoulou
European Geosciences Union 2005 (EGU 2005) Vol. 7, 09607 -Vol. 7, 09607

Thriasio Plain - Greece: multiple urban-environmental issues and proposals for a possible recovery of the area

A Mavrakis , L Salvati ,
Changing Cities II: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socioeconomic Dimensions 1 543 -558