Aurel Gontean , Georgiana Sârbu-Doaga , Rugină Sandra , Marius Oteşteanu
CONTROL'06 Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS international conference on Dynamical systems and control 53 -58
Aurel Gontean , Marius Otesteanu , Sandra Rugina , Georgiana Sarbu-Doaga
WSEAS Transactions on Communications 5 ( 12) 2137 -2141
Vasile Gui , Marius Otesteanu , Georgiana Simion , Daniel Popa
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications archive 5 ( 4) 532 -546
Vasile Gui , Marius Otesteanu , Georgiana Simion
Vasile Gui , Marius Otesteanu , Georgiana Simion , Daniel Popa
computational intelligence 115 -120
Marius Oteşteanu , Aurel Gontean , Georgiana Simion
computational intelligence 125 -129
Vasile Gui , Marius Oteşteanu , Georgiana Simion
international conference on circuits systems electronics control signal processing 181 -188
Vasile Gui , Ioan Sporea , Catalin-Daniel Caleanu , Roxana Sirli
European Congress of Radiology - ECR 2015
Radu Mirsu , Georgiana Simion , Catalin Daniel Caleanu , Oana Ursulescu
international conference on telecommunications 369 -372
Catalin Daniel Caleanu , Georgiana Simion
international conference on telecommunications 323 -326
Georgiana Simion , Florentina Anica Pintea , Vasile Gui
international symposium on electronics and telecommunications 1 -5
Georgiana Simion , Catalin-Daniel Caleanu
international symposium on electronics and telecommunications 1 -4
Catalin-Daniel Caleanu , Georgiana Simion , Ciprian David , Vasile Gui
international symposium on electronics and telecommunications 1 -4
Oana Ursulescu , Betina Ilie , Georgiana Simion
international symposium on electronics and telecommunications
Cristina Laura Sirbu , Georgiana Simion , Catalin Daniel Caleanu
international symposium on electronics and telecommunications
Ademona Dragomir , Georgiana Simion , Iasmina Ermalai
international symposium on electronics and telecommunications
Septimiu Mischie , Georgiana Simion
international symposium on electronics and telecommunications 303 -306
Georgiana Simion , Catalin-Daniel Caleanu
international symposium on electronics and telecommunications 363 -366
Georgiana Simion , Vasile Gui , Marius Otesteanu
2009 5th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics 435 -440