Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
conference on computer communications workshops 432 -437
Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
wireless and mobile computing, networking and communications 556 -561
Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
ad hoc networks 10 ( 3) 552 -568
Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
ad hoc networks 30 99 -114
Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
INFOCOM, 2012 Proceedings IEEE 262 -270
Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
INFOCOM 2009, IEEE 361 -369
Harish Sethu , Xiaoyu Chu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.4825
Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2011 IEEE 755 -760
Xiaoyu Chu , Harish Sethu
Proceedings of the WebSci’09: Society On-Line
Xiaoyu Chu
Drexel University
Xiaoyu Chu , H. Sethu
global communications conference 1 -5