The Reconciliation `Bargain'

作者: Colin Tatz


关键词: DeportationClanIdeologySociologyNationalismRetributive justiceTutuLegislationPoliticsLaw

摘要: We live in times of sharp social, legal, and economic divisions, here abroad. approach the next century with belief (or hope) that--by effluxion time, experience growth--it should be a much better one. point to virulent nationalism its legions dead. deplore fact that bitter memories past conflicts between clans, tribes, factions, ethnicities nations have now led current catastrophe Bosnia, Serbia, Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, South Africa, Sudan, Middle East, Greece, Turkey Spain. present violent politics remembering so explicit in, for example, Zulu Inkatha movement. preach, instead, forgetting, reconciliation peace: Nelson Mandela Desmond Tutu, arch reconciliators our time; Arafat, Hussein even hawkish Benjamin Netanyahu not far behind; Clinton North Koreans; Gerry Adams, IRA, John Major Tony Blair; President Menem urging no one look back Argentinian military atrocities decade ago.(1) The Vatican has apologised "tepid" response during Holocaust, East Germany said `sorry' Jews minutes before reunification Poland followed suit. "One cannot dwell constantly on resentments", intoned Francois Mitterand 1994, as he was haunted by his labours Vichy friendship infamous secretary-general Police, Rene Bousquet.(2) Even so, found flowers half-atone deportation French Jewry. Reconciliation appeals sane approach, ethical moral. word seems resonate merciful Christ rather than an unforgiving Jehovah. It offers hope, harmony `humane-ness'. suggests end enmity settling differences. In Australia we somewhat battered Aboriginal Council, week May set aside National Week, tattered concept, invoked magic mantra ward off contentious legislation, double-dissolution `race elections' like. is never defined: it simply parroted, leaving assumptions struggle meaning purpose. strange word. Who brought state acquiescence, friendliness, agreement harmony? And why? began non-Aboriginal concept--the invention Robert Tickner (then Labor's Affairs minister) at start this decade. program, over ten years, aimed improving race relations, increasing understanding Islander culture, history causes their continued disadvantage health, housing, education employment. For some proponents believers, means moratorium--each party desisting from causing injury other. many, can only mean national Australian government bringing itself use forcible removal children, articulate atonement find restitution or reparation these practices. Whatever meanings, shibboleth born, catchphrase adopted opinion-makers discern those who, stubbornly wrongly, resist entwined `synonymous' notions `forgive forget' If feuds, hatreds differences produces cataclysmic conditions, surely, they say, must replaced ideology forgiving forgetting. That, most, (non-Aboriginal) bottom lines process, will appear any document due 2001. This new vision, fashion, comes great cost victims. who forgo desire need retributive justice; eschew guilt and, all too often, compensation harms done. agree diminution, abolition, shared historical memory holds victim groups together. …
