Green Production Planning and Control for the Textile Industry by Using Mathematical Programming and Industry 4.0 Techniques

作者: Wen-Hsien Tsai

DOI: 10.3390/EN11082072

关键词: Industry 4.0BusinessReuseMathematical optimizationActivity-based costingTextile industryTheory of constraintsProfit (accounting)Profit maximizationProduction (economics)

摘要: The textile industry is one of the world’s major sources industrial pollution, and related environmental issues are becoming an ever greater concern. This paper considers carbon emissions, energy recycling, waste reuse, uses a mathematical programming model with Activity-Based Costing (ABC) Theory Constraints (TOC) to achieve profit maximization. discusses combination Industry 4.0 techniques purpose green production planning control for in new era. used determine optimal product mix under various constraints, while progress targets. With help real-time sensor detection system, it can purposes recycling waste, reducing emission, saving cost, finally achieving maximization profit. main contributions this research using approach formulate decision ABC cost data TOC constraints companies clarifying relation between models techniques. Managers apply product-mix evaluate effect on material quantity discount.

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