作者: Carol A. Sattler , L. Andrew Staehelin
DOI: 10.1083/JCB.62.2.473
关键词: Biology 、 Cilium 、 Tetrahymena pyriformis 、 Cell membrane 、 Tetrahymena 、 Membranelle 、 Ciliary necklace 、 Microtubule 、 Ciliary membrane 、 Cell biology
摘要: We have examined thin sections and replicas of freeze-fractured cilia Tetrahymena pyriformis. The ciliary necklace located at the base all oral somatic has been studied in sections. Since electron-dense linkers found to connect both microtubule doublets triplets membrane level necklace, associated seem be related transition region between a cilium. Plaque structures, consisting small rectangular patches particles distal are strain GL, but absent other strains this study. In freeze-cleaved material, additional structural differentiations observed membranes cilia. Somatic contain many randomly distributed within their membrane. Oral can divided into three categories on basis morphology membranes: (a) undifferentiated with very few particles: (b) arranged parallel longitudinal rows spaced intervals 810–1080 A that one side cilium; (c) short oriented obliquely main axis latter particles, cilium, serve as attachment sites for bristles 375–750 long 100 wide which extend surrounding medium. tips outermost membranelle may used detect food and/or modify currents so propelled more efficiently buccal cavity. Examination thin-sectioned material indicates form could linked doublets. Linkage adjacent areas cilium beat by restricting sliding microtubules. It is suggested membrane-microtubule interactions various forms different organisms.