作者: Michelle Alexander , David Lester
关键词: Injury control 、 Medical emergency 、 Fear of death 、 Accident prevention 、 Poison control 、 Demography 、 Psychology
摘要: I r ha k e n suggrrred (Fcifel, ct 01.. 1967) rhzr srrlrudrr ron,ard dearh may partially derrrmine choicr of occupation. An activlry be engaged in ro gain and arscrr mastery over rhe fear. In line wirh rhls conccprualizarion. Feifel, el a1 noted rhar doctors had a higher consciour fear dcarh rhan comparison groups. The presenr rrudy roughr examine the rhorc engagcd i high risk rporr parachute jumping. Sr were 31 sky divers 15 rraining dive, from t w o clubs uprrare New York. Flfrrrn nor yet jumped. made 25 or fewer free-fall jumpr, 16 350 jumpr. Of she 10 wcrc female; mcdian age was 21 yr. (rangc 18 to 49). Each S mnrchcd for scx srudcnr at on? raro collegcs upstare Ncw York war adminlrrerrd nvo f denrh rcalcs (Collerr & Lerrrr. 1969; Lcrr~r . remanric dlfferenrial on whlch rarcd concrprs rhrill, desrh, life, suicide, mndard rcalcr. Eighteen rhr divrrs rested ar airport 13 compler~d quesrionnalrr homc. Control Ss wrre tested whilc college. rhrcc sky-drving groups compared all mcasurps using one-way analys~s variance. No rignificnnr dlfferencer found (rhc largerr F = 2.46, dt 2 / 4 3 ) A l combined conrrol by mcanr u Again. no rigniiicanr differences any mesrurc (rhr 0.85, 90) Producr-momenr correlations computed krween measures [ear m h jumps. On subrcales Collerrlcrrer scaler. 6 8 corcelar~ons wcre negative bur only one rrrchcd signifxcance: rnexperienced lumprrs, rhere greater fcar self chore with free.fall lumps ( -0.70. one-railed p < 0.005). present dara rhowed icw dtfferencer bctwcen $5, rhough rhc lone rignlficant rerulr d ~ supporr guidlng concrptualizarion. rhar, as Frnz (1964) hnr ruggerred. denial is malor defcnse mechanism diverr rhir serve, obrcurr daffercncer conscious dearh. If rhlr $0, subsequent rcsearch should cry tap non-conrcious mrarures anxiery, such perceprual drfense rcch. niqucr (Lester Lerrer. 1970).