作者: Sílvia Sisó Llonch
关键词: Biology 、 Gliosis 、 Equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy 、 Neuroaxonal dystrophy 、 Cell loss 、 Programmed cell death 、 Murine model 、 Pathology 、 Animal species 、 Degenerative Disorder
摘要: La neuropatologia degenerativa inclou un grup de malalties que cursen amb la degeneracio progresiva del teixit nervios tant en animals com persones, i causant una perdua neuronal reaccio glial, majoritariament astrocitica el Sistema Nervios Central. distribucio daquestes lesions degeneratives acostuma a ser focal o multifocal. En veterinaria existeixen multiples neurodegeneratives afecten diferents especies animals. En present tesi sestudien quatre lespecie canina, lequina, lovina bovina. Les son: distrofia neuroaxonal canina lenvelliment gos, mieloencefalopatia equina, latrofia muscular espinal vedells lscrapie model experimental muri. Es creu pot causada causar disminucio alteracio sinapsi transmisio nerviosa. Per aixo aquesta es preten investigar si existeix les deguda mort apoptotica. Alhora els resultats obtinguts puguin encaminar recerca cap creacio nous models poden gran utilitat pel millor coneixement dels processos neurodegeneratius actualment humana. Degenerative neuropathology brings together all animal and human disorders in which the nervous tissue has features of neurodegneration such as loss gliosis, preferently astrocytosis. The distribution is usually or multifocal. In veterinary science, there are several neurodegenerative diseases that affected diferent species. This thesis based on four canine, equine, ovine, bovine specie. follows: dystrophy aging canine specie, equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy, spinal atrophy, scrapie an murine model. Several recent studies describes relation between cell death synapse. It thought abnormalities at synapse might let neurons to die. The aim this investigate if synapses altered previous mentioned disorders, due apoptosis. Moreover, it also our interest results obtained may give possible insights creation new contribute its counterparts.