作者: Félix Manuel Medina , Rafael García
关键词: Humanities 、 Felis 、 Future studies 、 Cartography 、 Geography
摘要: A total of 1020 invertebrates prey, belonging to 106 species, were identi- fied during the analysis 500 scats feral cats (Felis silvestris catus L., 1758) in La Palma Island. From these, 893 prey items (87.55%), 76 considered as indirect or accidental because their weight was lesser than 0.05 g. They appeared with a frequency occu- rrence 29.8% but contribution biomass consumed by insignificant (0.002%). Bees (Himenop- tera) best represented group follo- wed beetles (Coleoptera). pro- portion Dermaptera, Hemiptera, Diptera and Shiphonaptera observed. All inver- tebrate remains co-occurred significantly reptile ones cats. our results, taking into ac- count that cats´ faeces high proportion inverte- brate remains, we necessary, future studies on catsdiet, take account not only in- vertebrate also size. Finally, think this is way know real role trophy eco- logy significance fe- ral cat predation conservation en- dangered species from Island other island ecosystems. Resumen: Un de presas invertebrados, pertenecientes especies, fueron identificadas en el analisis grupos excrementos gato cimarron realizado la isla Palma. De estos, ejemplares (87,55%), pertenecieron especies con pesos inferiores 0,05 g y considera- dos como indirectas o accidentales, constituyeron un valor insignificante biomasa consumida (0,002%). No obstante, los aparecieron una fre- cuencia del 29,8%. Dentro este tipo presas, las abejas, abejorros hormi- gas (Himenoptera) mas abundan- tes, seguidos por escarabajos (Coleopte- ra). Otros tijeretas (Der- maptera), chinches (Hemiptera), mos- cas (Diptera) pulgas (Siphonaptera) apa- recieron menos frecuencia. Todos res- tos invertebrados hallados ex- crementos es- tuvieron asociados significativamente reptiles. Teniendo cuenta que ana- lisis aparecen numerosos restos parece necesario futuros estudios se lleven cabo sobre dieta depredador deba considerar, ademas peso su tamano. esta forma podria conocer realmente papel